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BiH će imati najveće viškove struje

Source: Nikola Salapura, Nezvisne novine

BANJALUKA - Ambicije zemalja zapadnog Balkana u izvozu električne energije mogu se pokazati kao vrlo rizične, te se predviđa da će u slučaju ispunjenja planiranih scenarija regija imati višak od čak 56 odsto struje, dok će zemlje s najviše energije za izvoz biti BiH i Srbija.

Pokazalo je to najnovije istraživanje, koje su za potrebe organizacije "CEE Bankwatch" sproveli Univerzitet u Groningenu i konsultantska kuća "Advisory House".

Local initiatives champion sustainability and resilience in central and eastern Europe


A new website with inspiring stories of local sustainable initiatives shows the very real change that small-scale projects can make for local communities.

Slovak NGOs ask for re-evaluation of nuclear programme in Ukraine

Source: Spectator staff, The Slovak Spectator

UKRAINE is prolonging the lifespan of its 15 nuclear reactors from the Soviet era without a public environmental impact assessment (EIA) – thereby violating international law.

Exhibition brings coal-affected communities in Colombia and Croatia a step closer together


A photo exhibition in Croatia is connecting the dots between communities in Colombia and the Istrian coast that are negatively affected by coal.

Western Balkans electricity plans: where will all that power go?


Western Balkan countries have ambitious plans to increase their electricity generation over the next years. But what will happen if they all become a regional energy hub? Will there be a demand for all the available electricity?

Studija: Zapadni Balkan će imati priličan višak električne energije

Source: SEEbiz, SEEbiz

LONDON - Ambicije zemalja zapadnog Balkana u izvozu električne energije mogu se pokazati kao vrlo rizične, pokazuje novo istraživanje koje su, za potrebe organizacije CEE Bankwatch, proveli Sveučilište u Groningenu i konzultantska kuća Advisory House.
Autori studije pišu da zemlje imaju ambicije da postanu izvoznici energije, ali upozoravaju da bi lokalne vlade morale uzeti u obzir razvoj događaja u susjednim zemljama koji bi novoplanirane energetske objekte učinile ekonomski neodrživim, kaže se u analizi koja je u posjedu redakcije SEEbiza.

Statement: EU trade secrets directive threat to free speech, health, environment and worker mobility

Multi-sectoral civil society coalition calls for greater protections for consumers, journalists, whistleblowers, researchers and workers

We strongly oppose the hasty push by the European Commission and Council for a new European Union (EU) directive on trade secrets because it contains:

  • An unreasonably broad definition of “trade secrets” that enables almost anything within a company to be deemed as such;

Balkan electricity export aspirations - collection of media reports

Source: , various sources

A growing apetite for new power plants, mainly coal-fired, in the western Balkans could end up with many of them becoming `white elephants, a study released by CEE Bankwatch Network on March 19 warns. Media across the region reported on the findings:

Electricity export ambitions may prove risky for Western Balkans, shows new study

The Western Balkans countries have strong electricity export ambitions that create the danger of stranded assets, finds a new report launched by CEE Bankwatch Network today. If governments take electricity expansion decisions without taking due account of developments in other countries, the region will have to compete with other nearby exporters and may find that its power plants become uneconomic.

By the numbers: where will energy come from in the western Balkans?


Today we've published a new report analysing future energy trends in countries of the western Balkans.

From a robust dataset we researched together with the University of Groningen and the consultancy 'The Advisory House', we've pulled out a couple of illustrations.

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