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Executive summary: the Eastern Neighbourhood Region and the EU's energy interests

Since the early 1990s, the EU has actively sought the development of both the oil and gas sectors in former Soviet republics. Energy security, the cornerstone of the EU’s foreign policy became the driving force behind the European Neighbourhood Policy. Investments through the EU’s Neighbourhood Policy Instrument and public banks have supported the development of unsustainable energy systems in most Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries. Like in other countries, the EaP region received more for fossil fuels than renewable sources of energy.

Azerbaijan, the European Neighbourhood Policy and the EU's energy interest

Azerbaijan has been a part of the EU Neighbourhood Policy since 2004 and has enjoyed substantial support through investments in the energy sector. As a result of cooperation on energy projects, the EU is today Azerbaijan’s main trading partner, with bilateral trade amounting to more than EUR 16.7 billion in 2014. But while the European Commission's 2014 progress report on Azerbaijan stressed the good progress in the EU's partnership with Azerbaijan, problems for ordinary Azeris are increasing.

Egypt case study: an EIB loan to the North Giza II power plant

The North Giza Power Plant II, 1500 MW natural gas-fired power plant, is one of several large gas power plants that the Egyptian government is developing since 2011 in an effort to cope with the electricity gap. The power plant uses Combined Cycle Gas Turbine technology and the project promoters claim it is energy efficient, eco-friendly and community inclusive. Both the local community and the findings from a field trip strongly dispute these claims.

Analysis of EU investments in Ukraine's energy sector, 2007-2014

Between 2007-2014, Ukraine received from EU public institutions over EUR 2.5 billion for 56 projects in the country’s energy sector. This is the highest amount of support for the energy sector among all countries of the European Neighbourhood Policy, both by volume and number of investments. Only 15 per cent of that support went to combating inefficient energy use or to developing local sustainable energy sources. The focus of EU financial support has remained on ‘traditional’ sources of energy.

Executive summary: European public money for the energy sector in countries of the European Neighbourhood Policy

Countries of the European Neighbourhood have received a boost to their energy sectors in the last decade, thanks in part to the prominent role played by the EU as a catalyst of both policy reforms and financing. This paper is the executive summary of an upcoming study that examines EU financing for the energy sector in 16 countries of the European Neighbourhood between 2007 and 2014.

Executive summary: The EU and energy in the Arab countries

This briefing (an executive summary of an upcoming report) looks at energy investments by the EU in the Southern Mediterranean region and the impacts on the social, economic and environmental rights of citizens and communities by highlighting the compliance of these activities with the values of democracy, human rights and economic development for Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia. It also assesses the type of the investments that would be beneficial both for host countries as well as for the EU.

The energy dissonance: How EU development funds fuel climate change while leaders talk decarbonisation

EU leaders repeatedly voice commitments to spearhead the global effort to tackle climate change, primarily through long-term decarbonisation targets. But a Bankwatch research into the EU's development funds for neighbouring regions finds that considerably more European taxpayer money is supporting fossil fuels than facilitating a sustainable energy transition.

Podlaskie. 247 mln euro na ekologię i odnawialne źródła energii

Source: Ewelina Sadowska-Dubicka, Białystok Online

Ponad 247 mln euro z funduszy unijnych trafi w województwie podlaskim w latach 2015-2020 na szeroko rozumiane kwestie ekologiczne.

- Pod względem wsparcia dla energetyki odnawialnej zapisy podlaskiego Regionalnego Programu Operacyjnego mogłyby być wzorem dla innych województw – mówi Julia Krzyszkowska, ekspertka ds. funduszy europejskich CEE Bankwatch Network i Polskiej Zielonej Sieci.

Harmful hydropower projects in SE Europe enabled by sub-standard environmental assessments

Civil society organisations today published a new report looking at the quality of 25 environmental impact assessments (EIA) and 2 strategic environmental assessments (SEA) done for hydropower projects in seven countries in the last five years and examines how the mistakes made in these cases could be avoided in the future.

Noul grup energetic Rovinari va adânci dependenţa României de cărbune

Source: Matei Dobrovie, The Epoch Times Romania

Construirea unui nou grup energetic la Rovinari va face ca România să se adâncească şi mai mult în dependenţa de cărbune, a declarat astăzi Ioana Ciută, coordonator campanie pe energie în cadrul reţelei Bankwatch.

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