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Credit Agricole ne želi financirati TE Plomin C

Source: , energetika-net

Marubenijev financijski savjetnik neće financirati TE na ugljen u bogatijim zemljama

Major blow for Croatian coal plant as Crédit Agricole announces new coal power policy

Paris, France - Today's publication of new criteria for coal-fired power plant financing by French bank Crédit Agricole suggests that the bank will not be able to finance the controversial €800 million Plomin C coal power plant in Croatia, believe campaign groups. The policy now rules out finance for coal power plants in high-income countries, which includes Croatia.

VW got €4 billion in EIB clean technology loans

Source: Anca Gurzu, Politico

The Volkswagen Group received more than €4 billion in loans from the European Investment Bank over the last decade, with much of the money going to research aimed at developing cleaner engines.

The world’s largest carmaker is embroiled in a global scandal after installing so-called defeat devices in 11 million of its diesel cars to cheat on emissions standards tests, a scandal that has cost the CEO his job, opened the company to a potential fine of $18 billion in the U.S., pummelled the stock price, and prompted investigations across Europe.

Guest post: Throwing evidence to the wind? The World Bank continues pushing PPPs


Although World Bank research and documents acknowledge the limitations of public-private partnerships the bank continues to push PPPs despite concerns.

Comments on Environmental Impact Assessment for Nenskra hydropower plant in Georgia

These comments on the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report for the Nenskra hydropower plant in Georgia concludes that the quality of the submitted report is extremely poor. The report as well as the public hearings organised during its preparation do not comply with Georgian legislation or with the requirements of International Financial Institutions.

Ucraina "ar putea încălca tratate nucleare europene"

Source: Bogdan Isopescu, Radio România Actualitaţi

Asociaţia Bankwatch Romania şi guvernul ţării noastre atrag atenţia că Ucraina desfăşoară programe nucleare asupra cărora planează suspiciunea că încalcă tratatele internaţionale.

Ukrajinské reaktory. Tak ďaleko a pritom tak blízko

Source: Dana Mareková, Dennik

Ukrajina chce predĺžiť životnosť jadrových reaktorov, slovenská vláda chce vedieť viac, ale Kyjev napriek záväzkom mlčí.

Ukrajina práve rozhoduje o nebezpečnom projekte. Hlasy domácich kritikov sa snaží umlčať a susedné vlády, vrátane tej našej, ignoruje. Bezpečnostný garant a financmajster veľkej časti projektu, Európska komisia, žiaľ, vysiela nejasné signály.

Southeast Europe must close the gap on energy efficiency, says new report

Brussels, Belgium / Podgorica, Montenegro - Countries of Southeast Europe (SEE) waste much more energy than the members of the European Union, according to a new report Energy Efficiency – Just Do It! published today by a group of civil society organizations from across the region.

Energy Efficiency - Just Do It! Act now for warmer homes, local jobs and cleaner air!

This report explains the importance of the EU's Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) and argues why it must have the strongest objectives and targets as possible for SEE countries.

When environmental improvement becomes resettlement - lessons from Serbia's Kolubara mine


European financial institutions and Serbian authorities have failed to address the human impacts of resettlement in Serbia's lignite mining fields, a new study shows.

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