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"EBRD priznao greške sa EPS-om"

Source: B92, B92

Beograd -- EBRD je priznao greške načinjene sa EPS-om u okviru projekata izvođenih u Vreocima i od preduzeća se očekuje da unapredi svoje procedure, saopštava CEKOR.

Kako je navedeno na sastanku predstavnika CEKOR-a i direktora EBRD za Srbiju Danijela Berga, organizacija očekuje da EPS ubrza raseljavanje Vreoca, kao i da se angažuje i na društveno odgovornom raseljavanju domaćinstava obuhvaćenih zaštitnim zonama rudarenja u selima Junkovac, Radljevo, Baroševac, Zeoke u kolubarskom i sela Drmno u kostolačkom regionu.

Laufzeitverlängerung für weiteren ukrainischen AKW-Block

Source: Nov-ost.info, Nov-ost.info

Die ukrainische Behörde für Reaktorsicherheit SNRIU hat am Montag eine Laufzeitverlängerung für den Block 2 des Kernkraftwerks Yuzhnoukrainska AES (AKW Südukraine) unweit von Mykolaiv b ...

Ukraine snubs safety concerns and European donors, extends lifetime of fourth Soviet-era nuclear reactor

Kiev, Prague - An ageing nuclear unit in the South Ukraine power plant is the latest to have its expiry date rewritten by overzealous Ukrainian authorities, despite a number of pending safety issues and concerns over compliance with international treaties.

Slovensko v ohrození? Ukrajina hazarduje so životnosťou reaktora neďaleko Černobyľu

Source: aktualne.sk, aktualne.sk

BRATISLAVA - Rada Ukrajinského jadrového regulátora v pondelok rozhodla o tom, že reaktor Južno-Ukrajinský 2, ktorý je len o 130 km ďalej od Bratislavy ako Černobyľ, má byť v prevádzke o desať rokov dlhšie ako je jeho predpísaná životnosť.

Reaktor bol od mája dočasne odstavený kvôli nesplneniu prioritných bezpečnostných opatrení. Časť z nich však zostáva nezrealizovaná.

Mimovládne organizácie žiadajú vlády okolitých krajín, vrátane slovenskej, aby podnikli kroky na zvýšenie jadrovej bezpečnosti v regióne.

9 reasons why the EU's bank is no climate leader


The European Investment Bank's track record stands in stark contrast to its pose as a hero in the fight against climate change.

Bankwatch sê Dundee belieg publiek

Source: Catherine Sasman, Republikein

Die internasionale nie-regeringsorganisasie CEE Bankwatch Network sê Dundee Precious Metals (DPM) onderspeel doelbewus die gevare van anorganiese arseentrioksied, ’n neweproduk van die smeltingsproses van koper by die smeltery op Tsumeb.
In werklikheid, wys Bankwatch daarop, het die VSA se Agentskap vir Gifstowwe en Siekteregister arseentrioksied as “een van die giftigste en algemene vorme van arseen” geklassifiseer.

Miliony euro przeciw smogowi. Jak je podzielić? Na co wydać?

Source: Dominika Wantuch, Wyborcza.pl

Czy Małopolska dobrze wyda 100 milionów euro na walkę z zanieczyszczeniem powietrza? Zieloni mają co do tego wątpliwości, bo za małe wsparcie ma pójść na odnawialne źródła energii.

Macedonia urged to suspend controversial hydropower project

Strasbourg, Skopje, Prague - In the latest blow to planned hydropower dam in Macedonia's Mavrovo National Park, the Standing Committee of the Bern Convention, the European wildlife treaty, added today its voice to growing calls to reconsider this reckless project. The spotlight is now on the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the project's main financier.

Corporates at COP

Source: Elena Nikolovska, The Verb

As the climate talks roll on in Paris, there’s a certain smell in the air. It isn’t the apples or chocolate being handed out at the entrance to the conference centre, nor the popular free coffees being handed out by the German government. It’s the smell of greenwashing. And this isn’t the first time.

COP21: How glacial melt and toxic waste could spell disaster in Kyrgyzstan

Source: Franco Galdini , IRIN

BISHKEK, 2 décembre 2015 (IRIN) - High in Kyrgyzstan’s Tian Shan Mountains, the twin effects of climate change and gold mining have combined to pose a potential environmental and human health disaster. A melting glacier is feeding a rapidly expanding lake, which experts fear could burst its banks and overrun a mine tailings pond, releasing toxic waste into the region’s water system.

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