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Constant dripping wears away the stone. Kyrgyz parliament votes to renegotiate Kumtor gold mine contract.


Challenging a mining operation that generates about ten percent of GDP in a country and particularly doing so on environmental and social grounds is an intimidating task. But as the example of the Kumtor gold mine in Kyrgyzstan shows, indefatigability and scientific expertise can persuade decision-makers to defend the interests of a country and its people.

Kulinvesteringer strider mod EU’s klimapolitik

Source: , Information.dk

Den Europæiske Investeringsbanks kapital vokser, men det samme gør kritikken af dens investeringer i kulkraft. De er i strid med EU’s klimamål, mener både ngo’er og politikere, der opfordrer banken til at stoppe sine kulinvesteringer og engagere sig mere i klimakampen
20. februar 2013

The partnership principle in the early stages of programming - experiences from CEE countries

The partnership principle is one of the main principles of Cohesion Policy. Even though still under negotiation it is foreseeable that the new legislation for Cohesion Policy 2014-2020 will enshrine substantial progress in further establishing the partnership principle, i.e. providing for a comprehensive involvement of EU Cohesion Policy stakeholders into planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of EU funds’ investments. This document aims to present the divergence between the agreed principles of the partnership and current experiences in central and eastern European countries.

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