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Rio Tinto's responsibilities in Mongolia extend beyond shareholders


New civil society recommendations for the Oyu Tolgoi mine in Mongolia illustrate that much more than the bottom line needs to be considered to avoid development at the expense of local communities.

NGOs suggest key recommendations for Oyu Tolgoi copper and gold mine project in Mongolia

The letter, signed by 39 organisations, outlines ongoing concerns about the Oyu Tolgoi copper and gold mine in Mongolia, which is currently under consideration for financing by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. The project, one of the largest and most complex infrastructure investments proposed by the EBRD, poses a significant environmental and social risk to the local communities, as well as to the country at large.

Cohesion Policy 2014-2020: Rejecting fossil fuel subsidies in the European Parliament

Environmental NGOs are alarmed that a new own initiative report on Cohesion Policy and energy might be considered sufficient by some REGI MEPs to consider that the rejection of fossil fuels subsidies in ERDF is put into question – overruling the clear REGI mandate voted in July 2012. To ensure consistency, the REI MEPs should maintain the REGI mandate as it is and oppose any fossil fuel subsidies in ERDF.

Making the EU budget work for people and planet - citizens' recommendations for EU funds 2014-2020

In 2012, Bankwatch organised a series of contests among citizens in the region to propose sustainable project ideas. This paper is a summary of recommendations based on the numerous proposals we received. The recommendations aim to improve the involvement of citizens in the process of planning and programming of the next EU budget, and for the sustainable development of European regions.

Bogus logic in Ukraine: A nature reserve not worth protecting


If you thought the purpose of a nature reserve is to protect wildlife from disruptive human interference, then you're wrong – at least when it comes to nature that's in the way of electricity infrastructure in Ukraine.

EU budget: Deal done, mission not accomplished

Source: Markus Trilling, EurActiv

Now that a budget deal has been brokered between EU heads of states and governments, NGOs intend to be uncompromising in tracking the spending decisions at national level, writes Markus Trilling .

EU budget 2014-2020: TEN-T Guidelines - NGO priority recommendations for trialogues

Environmental NGOs emphasise that, with very long lifetimes for transport infrastructure, today’s decisions on EU transport spending will set the path for transport beyond 2050 and into the next century. Yet, in light of the EU budget negotiations, there will not be enough funding for all the projects in the Connecting Europe Facility annex or the TEN-T maps to get off the ground. This briefing therefore focuses on how to make the most of the limited funds available, and to avoid the major cost-overruns and delays that have plagued TEN-T policy to date.

Bataille de communication de l’UE autour du budget 2014-2020

Source: , euronews

L’Union européenne commence ce jeudi d’âpres négociations pour boucler le cadre financier pluriannuel (CFP) dans lequel seront construits chaque budget annuel de l’UE des sept ans à venir. Déjà perdu ? La migraine pointe ? Énervé ?

Will the EBRD do the right thing for Kosovo, its newest member?

Source: Nezir Sinani, New Europe

As Kosovo becomes a member of International Financial Institutions, such as the World Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, alarm bells are ringing about which model of development these bodies are pushing in the EU’s newest country.

WWF Position Paper on the EIB energy lending review

Quote from the WWF comments: "The EIB’s objective should support the EU’s 2050 decarbonisation goal. An EIB substantively revised energy lending policy should precludes investment in assets that lock‐in high carbon emissions and instead focuses on delivering a European zero‐emission energy system by 2050."

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