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Illegal damage and threat of destruction of the Kresna Gorge, Bulgaria - complaint summary

This is a summary of a complaint to the EU Commission that was lodged to save the protected Bulgarian Kresna Gorge from a destructive motorway that received EU funding. It alleges that the construction of the controversial motorway is already breaking EU nature laws, and warns that completing the final section through Kresna Gorge nature reserve would be catastrophic for protected animals and plants in the region.

Commission must involve the people in next EU budget debate


French President Emmanuel Macron is right to propose public debates on the Future of Europe. But the EU budget is where change will first manifest itself.

Nuclear safety in Europe: decision-making behind closed doors?


European citizens don’t want to be left out of decision-making over nuclear power. But a recent meeting of the Espoo Convention reveals how concerns over reactor life-time extensions are being sidelined.

EU urged to honour Paris Agreement, withdraw support for gas mega-pipeline

Brussels, Belgium -- In an open letter released today, climate scientists, indigenous leaders, environmental and social justice groups, actors and artists call on the European Union to immediately withdraw its support for a gas mega-pipeline that would ‘destroy Europe’s climate targets’.

Commission pitch for Europe's future funding must be a People's Budget

Brussels - In advance of Wednesday’s release by the European Commission of a reflection paper on the future of Europe’s finances, a growing movement of civil society across Europe has launched its own call for a reformed EU budget that unlocks a positive, people-centered and sustainable future for a new Europe.

Independent monitoring of air pollution calls for urgent action in the Balkans

Bankwatch and our partner organisations have undertaken independent dust monitoring in Balkan countries and we have found worrying levels of particulate matter (PM 10 and PM 2.5), dust so small it enters deep into our lungs and blood streams causing irreversible damage and respiratory and cardiovascular diseases.

Join a press briefing: Does Poland need a visit of the president of Azerbaijan - the worst European regime?

Connected to the upcoming visit of Azerbaijan's president Ilham Aliyev to Warsaw, Amnesty International Polska, Helsińskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, Polskiej Zielonej Sieci, and Bankwatch invite to this press briefing.

It will take place on June 21, in the office of Helsińska Fundacja Praw Człowieka, ul. Zgoda 11 in Warsaw (6 floor).


  • Draginja Nadażdin, Head of Amnesty International Polska – restrictions for free media, situation of political prisoners, reppressions towards human rights defenders in Azerbaijan

Rethinking the EU Budget for Europe - online press briefing

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Over 250 non-government organisations launch alternative vision for Europe

More than 250 non-government organisations from across Europe have today released an alternative vision for a more democratic, just and sustainable Europe.

A Bulgarian oligarch, tax avoidance and a village that tries to move: how Sofia fails to implement EU pollution laws


Unsuccessful in making a coal power plant reduce abhorrent pollution levels, the village of Golemo Selo, Bulgaria is trying to “move” to a new municipality, hoping to have more say in matters concerning its citizens’ health and livelihoods.

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