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Green 10 letter: State of the European Union after Brexit - time for a new direction

Following the vote of UK citizens to leave the European Union, the group of ten of the leading environmental networks active at European level comment on the need to engage in a new reflection on the future direction of Europe. Now more than ever, it is crucial for the EU to show it is united, not paralysed, and remains willing and able to act for the benefit of its citizens and their natural environment.

Civil society Europe statement following the results of the British referendum

Civil Society Europe brings together thirty European civil society networks around the European values of sustainability, equality, solidarity, democracy and inclusion.

We now await, from the European institutions, a reaction which puts these values at the centre of European policy and which starts a genuine civil dialogue between the institutions and civil society.

For our organisations, which bring together tens of millions of members, this is the only way to respond to the crises in society which have influenced the way in which citizens think about the European project.

Guest post: Municipalities are crucial for citizen-owned renewable energy in the Czech Republic


Czech environmental and law groups have proposed a law amendment to revive the disadvantaged renewable energy sector in their country. Karel Polanecky from Bankwatch member group Hnuti Duha explains their initiative.

The ETS Modernisation Fund: Catalysing a locally-driven energy transition in central and eastern Europe

Energy Cities, Counter Balance, CEE Bankwatch Network and Change Partnership see the ongoing revision of the European ETS as a crucial opportunity to support the EU in meeting its 2030 climate targets, deliver on the Paris agreement and accelerate the locally driven energy transition. We welcome the proposal to establish an ETS (Emission Trading System) Modernisation Fund for low-income Member States.

Croatia to drop controversial coal plant project, confirms minister

The Croatian Minister for Economy, Tomislav Panenić, yesterday confirmed that the 500 MW Plomin C coal plant project has been stopped.

The European Investment Bank and its energy sector lending 2013-2015

This analysis of the European Investment Bank's (EIB) energy lending shows that the bank has been effectively hindering Europe's energy transition. Most notably, during 2013-2015, EIB lending to renewables in Europe has dropped whereas its lending to fossil fuels has modestly but consistently increased. Moreover, while EU leaders have repeatedly emphasised the 'energy efficiency first' principle, the EIB has been lagging behind with only 3.6% of its lending across sectors going to energy conservation projects.

The EU house bank is holding back Europe's shift to sustainable energy

On the occasion of the EU Sustainable Energy Week, a new Bankwatch analysis shows that the European Investment Bank (EIB) has been effectively hindering Europe's energy transition.

EFSI case study: Bratislava bypass: A transport public-private partnership with high costs and limited benefits

The so-called European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) should unlock additional investment of at least EUR 315 billion over a three year period (2015-2017). One of the projects benefiting from the financing concerns the design, construction, operation and maintenance of about 27km of a motorway around Bratislava. The project will come with high costs, will damage biodiversity and likely not solve local transport problems.

MEP Pirinski: "The EIB should pay more attention to economic, social and territorial cohesion"


MEP Georgi Pirinski, rapporteur of the annual report on the European Investment Bank, shares his views on how to improve the way the bank operates.

EFSI case study: Energy efficiency in residential buildings in France: Energy Performance Contracting to boost investments

The so-called European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) should unlock additional investment of at least EUR 315 billion over a three year period (2015-2017). One of the projects benefiting from the EU financing is a program that aims to promote energy efficiency in the housing stock through the funding of certain regional/local initiatives supporting energy renovation of private residential buildings in France.

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