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Guest post: Renewables kept in thrall in the Czech Republic


How to overcome the stagnation in the Czech renewable energy sector? Ending the government’s crusade against renewable support schemes would be a good starting point, writes Karel Polanecky from Bankwatch’s member group Hnuti Duha, Friends of the Earth Czech Republic.

Albanians Dispute New Pipeline Compensation Rates

Source: Fatjona Mejdini, Balkan Insight

NGOs warn that Albanian families expected to give up their properties to make room for the Adriatic pipeline project, TAP, have not been adequately compensated, while some have faced threats of government expropriation.

Four families in Albania have submitted complaints to the European Investment Bank, EIB, over the low level of compensation they have been offered from TAP representatives for the displacement of their properties as a result of building the pipeline.

European institutions accused of undermining Paris Agreement by funding dirty energy projects

Source: Madeleine Cuff, BusinessGreen

EU bodies including the European Investment Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development are backing fossil fuel projects that threaten progress on climate targets, NGOs claim

Despite the promises made in Paris in December last year, key European institutions continue to fund dirty energy generation over alternative energy sources, according to a new report released yesterday [...]

Guest post: Realities in the Czech renewable sector defy the ideas of the Paris Agreement


If fossil fuels' grip on the Czech Republic's energy sector remains, as current plans and policies confirm, the country's support for the Paris Agreement will be nothing but a sham, writes Karel Polanecky from Bankwatch's Czech member group Hnuti Duha.

Kredia 1.5 miliardë euro; organizatat mjedisore kundërshtojnë financimin e gazsjellësit TAP

Source: Besar Likmeta, Reporter.al

CEE Bankwatch, një rrjet organizatash mjedisore në Europën Qendrore dhe Lindore, i ka kërkuar bankave Europiane për zhvillim të mos e financojnë projektin e gazsjellësit TAP, duke cituar kompensimin e padrejtë të qytetarëve shqiptarë të prekur nga projekti – të cilën ato e cilësojnë si të panevojshëm për sigurinë energjetike të Europës.

Të hënën presidenti i Bankës Europiane për Rindërtim dhe Zhvillim Suma Chakrabati do të vizitojë Tiranën, ndërkohë që BERZH po vlerëson një kredi prej 1.5 miliardë euro për Gazsjellësin Trans Adriatik, TAP, – kredia më e madhe në historinë e bankës.

Ombudsman asks European Investment Bank to act on conflicts of interest issues


In a letter to the President of the European Investment Bank from July 22, the European Union's Ombudsman Emily O'Reilly has asked the bank to review its governance arrangements to help prevent potential conflicts of interest in the bank’s governing bodies.

Naše predsedníctvo za solidaritu

Source: Tomáš Profant, Pravda.sk

Začiatkom júla začalo Slovensko predsedať Rade Európskej únie. Uprostred politických turbulencií nielen u nás doma, ale aj v Európe sa slovenská vláda rozhodla podporiť zaznamenaniahodné nástroje ekonomickej politiky.

EU budget review must enhance European climate action

The European Commission must listen to the European Parliament calling for an EU budget that works for people and planet - according to CEE Bankwatch Network, Friends of the Earth Europe and Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe.

Decoupling economic growth from energy consumption in Romania

The report tackles the common assumption that continued economic growth necessarily entails a rise in energy consumption. The analysis shows that this is not what happens in reality, in Romania and in other EU countries. The Romanian energy ministry acknowledges that since 2009 the country's GDP has been growing while energy consumption has been falling, but it has so far failed to factor this trajectory in the ongoing development of a new national energy strategy.

Less is more: Romanian energy trajectory shows potential for low carbon economic growth - report

Romania could well be on path to a sustainable, prosperous economy if decision makers acknowledge growing GDP in tandem with dropping energy demand, a report released today by Bankwatch Romania argues.

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