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Europe's unequal partnerships - a sad tale about energy


A too strong focus on energy security is steering Europe's engagement with neighbouring states in a troublesome direction for the partnering countries.

A call for an open and transparent consultation process over the EIB's energy policy

In this letter, five NGOs and NGO coalitions call on the EIB to undertake consultations according to the best standard as well as to identify and inform a wide range of stakeholders about the revision of the policy.

A Partnership of unequals - Electricity exports from the eastern neighbourhood and western Balkans

Cooperation in the energy sector is one of the European Union’s key priorities in its relationships with neighbouring states. Although the promotion of energy efficiency, energy savings and the use of renewable energy sources should be the primary areas of cooperation along with “energy security”, the latter receives the lion’s share of attention and in several cases also a disproportionally large amount of financial support. This can have several negative environmental and social implications as this study shows.

Hydro power plants endanger the Balkan lynx in Macedonia


A fact-finding mission to Macedonia has confirmed our concerns that two planned hydro power plants are set to destroy important natural habitats in the Mavrovo National Park.

Hunger strike begins in protest of cemetery removal at EBRD coal mine in Serbia

Belgrade – An official from the southern Serbian town of Vreoci has begun a hunger strike on Monday to protest against what he considers the unlawful exhumation of a local cemetery to make way for coal extraction at the nearby Kolubara mine. Last year the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development approved a loan of 80 million euros to support the expansion of lignite mining at Kolubara.

The many faces of coal subsidies. A glance at Romania.


The case of two Enel investments in Romania illustrates how subsidies for coal power can be ambiguous, but provide very concrete disincentives for investments in renewable energy.

EBRD probes Slovenia plant contract with Alstom

Source: Elena Berton and Marja Novak, Reuters

LJUBLJANA/PARIS, April 20 (Reuters) - Slovenia has taken a step toward providing government loan guarantees that would enable completion of a controversial 1.3 billion euro ($1.7 billion) power plant upgrade awarded four years ago to French engineering company Alstom.

Public participation - experiences from IPA countries

In light of the new proposed Regulation for the Instrument for Pre-Accession (IPA), Bankwatch has compiled case studies from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia and Serbia to illustrate the lack of political will to properly implement EU principles on public participation. This represents a significant problem in the implementation of the IPA funds in these countries.

Project briefing: Gabrovo bypass and Shipka mountain tunnel, Bulgaria

If implemented as currently planned, the road bypass of the town of Gabrovo, and the tunnel under the Shipka mountain - a project supported by EU funding - will harm a Natura 2000 zone and national biodiversity protected area. This briefing paper gives details on the project and calls on the European Commission to remind Bulgarian authorities of the need to allow for public participation and conduct an environmental assessment that takes alternatives into consideration.

Gazela reloaded: another illegal Roma resettlement in Serbia on account of an EIB funded project

Belgrade – By the end of April, one hundred Roma families are expected to be illegally resettled from Belgrade neighbourhood Buvljak to several locations including Resnik, where current inhabitants are these days protesting against their arrival [1]. The resettlement is being carried out by Belgrade authorities without a proper resettlement plan or any consideration of the needs of the Roma and potential for inter-racial conflict [2]. The move is deemed necessary as part of the Sava Bridge and adjacent road construction, financed by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the European Investment Bank respectively. [3]

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