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How the facts got in the way of a good EBRD Roma headline

This summer’s 'silly season' featured a a blog post on the EBRD website replete with the claim that the bank has helped turn Serbia into a "role model for social inclusion of Roma". This claim immediately rang hollow in light of the ongoing plethora of abuses of Roma rights in Serbia.

Open letter to Serbian president: Protect our property in the Vreoci cemetery

The letter is asking the Serbian government to protect Vreoci community property in the Vreoci cemetery and especially an orthodox chapel that is property of Vreoci citizens.

Przeciwnicy odkrywek przyjadą do Lubina

Source: Unknown author, Ekonomia24.pl, Rzeczpospolita

Polscy przeciwnicy budowy kopalń odkrywkowych węgla brunatnego zyskują nowych sojuszników. Poparcie otrzymali już od podobnych organizacji działających w Niemczech, przedstawiciele kolejnych krajów deklarują pomoc w walce z odkrywkami w Polsce i Europie

Vlora Industrial and Energy Park, Albania


With limited information available on the project and little opportunities to influence the developments, the local community has perceived the Vlora energy and industry park as a megalomaniac project which poses threat to a local economy dependant on tourism and harms the fragile marine and wetlands ecosystems.

Croatia's Ombla HPP project comes under scrutiny after NGO complaint - EBRD

Source: Unknown author, HydroWorld

ZAGREB (Croatia), August 1 (SeeNews) - The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development said on Wednesday certain aspects of Croatia's Ombla hydro power plant project, which EBRD is set to co-fund, are under scrutiny following a complaint from a non-governmental organisation.

Don’t let facts get in the way of a good EBRD Roma headline


The EBRD's claims it has helped turn Serbia into a "role model for social inclusion of Roma" ring hollow in light of the plethora of abuses of Romas' rights in other cases in Serbia.

OLAF decision to investigate corruption at TES 6

The European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) decided to start an official investigation into the case of the Sostanj lignite power plant in Slovenia due to serious concerns about corruption and conflicts of interests in the granting of the contract to the company Alstom.

(Information on OLAF staff has been blackened on request by the Office.)

Greens call for active efforts by European Commission to ensure an improved EBRD mining strategy

The letter by the Green members of the European Parliament calls for active efforts of the EU representative at the European Bank for Reconstructoin and Development to ensure that the bank's new mining strategy endorses EU principles and standards for resource efficiency, biodiversity protection, poverty eradication, inclusive growth, transparency and public participation in the mining projects the EBRD supports.

Complaint to EBRD on Kolubara lignite mine project

The communities in Vreoci request the EBRD to suspend the loan for the Kolubara lignite mine because of the project company's failure to meet performance requirements regarding:
- community health, safety and security
- information disclosure and stakeholder engagement
- land acquisition and resettlement
- environmental and social appraisal management
- pollution prevention and abatement

Lonely advocacy at Kolubara lignite mine


On a visit to the Kolubara mining complex in Serbia, Bankwatch staff was denied a meeting with the mining company, because of them caring for the environment.

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