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Off on the wrong foot in Kosovo? A lignite power plant and the EBRD


Notwithstanding the dominance of lignite in Kosovo's energy mix, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development may get involved with yet another lignite project in the Western Balkans.

Which is the world’s worst company?

Source: Amy Hall, New Internationalist

Reputation isn’t always a good thing. In an age of ‘corporate social responsibility’, corporations definitely don’t want to be known as ‘the worst company of the year’.

The worst company of the year - Vote for Alstom in the People's Public Eye Awards 2013


Alstom, the constructor for the Sostanj lignite power plant might just be the worst company of the year. You can vote for Alstom in the Public Eye Awards until January 23.

ALSTOM nominated for "Prestigious" Public Eye Awards

The French energy and transport conglomerate Alstom is one of the seven finalists for the People's Public Eye Awards 2013.

The nomination is a result of information submitted by NGOs Focus Slovenia, SHERPA France and CEE Bankwatch Network, in which dubious business practices of the company across the world are highlighted -- often linked to proven corruption or corruption allegations surrounding the awarding of contracts.

Expert assessment of Alstom's business ethics

The French energy and transport conglomerate Alstom is one of the seven finalists for the People's Public Eye Awards 2013. This assessment - done by experts from the Institute for Business Ethics of the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland - takes a look at international treaties and Alstom's conduct in relation to them.

The newest EBRD member, Kosovo, does not need new coal

Pristina - As Kosovo becomes the newest member of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development today, civil society groups in the country tell the bank that it should exclude from the start any investments in coal and that it could have an enormous positive impact by supporting energy efficiency measures.

No excuses for the EIB to finance Sostanj

Ljubljana -- The Slovenian parliament has ratified today – in an extraordinary session, right before the start of the Christmas holidays – the state guarantee contract between the European Investment Bank and the Slovenian government for a 440 million euros loan for the construction of a new coal unit at Sostanj.

Plomin coal power plant, Croatia


Croatian plans to more than double the capacity of the Plomin coal power plant would have resulted in increased carbon-emissions for several decades. The project’s profitability was questionable and the plans were facing local opposition and conflicting regional legislation.

Guidelines and recommendations for public participation in IPA programming

Effective planning of objectives and achievable targets for regional development requires the integration of all partners and stakeholders into the planning processes, taking into account their specific knowledge of the local context and so guaranteeing the results orientation of Cohesion funding. This briefing offers guidelines and a set of recommendations for governments in pre-accession countries in order to help them establish and implement the partnership principle with all relevant stakeholders in the programming of the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) for 2014-2020.

EIB energy policy review - Time to lock out climate destructive investments for good

The European Investment Bank (EIB), the EU’s bank and also the biggest public financial institution in the world by lending volume, has launched a public consultation on its energy policy and is seeking views from the public and other stakeholders that should feed into a review of one of the EIB’s most crucial lending sectors. The new policy is expected to take effect from June 2013.

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