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A useless sham - Review of the Oyu Tolgoi Copper and Gold Mine Environmental and Social Impact Assessment

The potentially EBRD supported Oyu Tolgoi copper/gold mine in southern Mongolia project poses significant adverse social and environmental impacts. This in-dept review - based on our own research as well as that of expert reviewers - shows that the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) is a non-starter and deeply flawed. The study is complemented by detailed expert analyses in five annexes.

The ESIA does not fully comply with the fundamental provisions of the EBRD’s Performance Requirements, as it is incomplete and retroactive; lacks a robust risk assessment; ignores the health, safety, and livelihood security of the affected communities; fails to establish the protection of the South Gobi’s scant water resources and biodiversity; and omits critical assessments of cumulative impacts or impacts from associated facilities such as infrastructure, the international airport, or the planned coal-powered plant. Failure to comply with the Performance Requirements undermines the development objectives of the project.


Annex 1:
Comments on Chapter D1 of the ESIA: "Environmental and Social Management Plan Framework"
by Robert Goodland
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Annex 2:
Evaluation of the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for the Oyu Tolgoi Copper and Gold Project
by Mark Chernaik & Heidi Weiskel, Staff Scientists at Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide U.S.
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Annex 3:
Evaluation of the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for the Oyu Tolgoi Copper and Gold Project and the application of IFC and EBRD Performance Standards
by Jennifer Gleason, Staff Attorney at Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide U.S.
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Annex 4:
Analysis of: Section B: Baseline Assessment, Chapter B7a: Biodiversity
by Daniel S. Song, University of Pennsylvania, Department of Biology
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Annex 5:
Oyu Tolgoi Copper & Gold Mine Associated Power Plant: Violations of IFC and World Bank Policies on Environmental Impacts and Criteria for Coal Projects
by Gordon Scott
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