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Over the edge. Enel's plans to export its pollution to Porto Romano, Albania

The Italian energy giant Enel is planning to construct a coal-fired thermal power plant consisting of two 800 MW units at Porto Romano near the city of Durres in Albania. If constructed this would be the largest investment in the history of the Albanian energy industry. Eighty five percent of the electricity produced would be exported to Italy.

An analysis of Albanias existing power plants, plans for new hydropower plants and wind power plants shows that from the point of view of security of electricity supply there is no need for such a large-scale thermal power plant as is being planned for Porto Romano. Thus, the main argument for the project - security of electricity supply - is unfounded.

This study aims to provide a counterbalance to the overly optimistic and incomplete claims made for the project by Enel and the Albanian government by drawing attention to its environmental, social and economic impacts, including an assessment of these in the wider context of European and international trends in energy and climate policy. Where no information is available, the study identifies the gaps that need to be filled.
