Home >> Publications >> Odessa High Voltage Grid Upgrade, Ukraine - EBRD AGM Issue Paper

Odessa High Voltage Grid Upgrade, Ukraine - EBRD AGM Issue Paper

In December 2005 the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) approved a EUR 25.8 million loan for the Odessa High Voltage Grid Upgrade project for the state-owned company Ukrenergo. The project, that foresaw construction of a 124 kilometre long 330 kV transmission line between the Adjalyk and Usatove substations in the Odessa region and modernisation of the substations, was Ukrenergos first experience with the international financial institutions, and inaugurated a series of further such investments. The project was screened as category A, requiring an environmental impact assessment (EIA) of the transmission line. Along with the EBRD loan the company received a EUR 115 000 technical cooperation grant provided by the German Government and a EUR 100 000 grant for project preparation provided by USAID.
Read more about the disregard of local inhabitants and other problems with the project's implementation in our issue paper.
