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Guidebook to the European Neighbourhood Instrument and the international financial institutions

Available languages:
English (pdf), Arabic (pdf) and French (pdf)

The new European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI), will be the key financial instrument for 16 partner countries to the East and South of the EU’s borders (Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Egypt, Georgia, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Moldova, Morocco, Occupied Palestinian Territory, Syria, Tunisia and Ukraine). At the same time the new approach includes an increased external mandate for the EIB for both eastern and southern neighbours, as well as the extension of the EBRD mandate to selected southern Mediterranean countries.

This guidebook was co-authored with Bihter Moschini of Arab NGO Network for Development. It was written for organisations engaged in monitoring and advocacy on the issues of development and human rights, presents the details of the European Neighbourhood Policy and the new financial instrument, and their relation to the international financial institutions. It aims to

  • raise awareness about the ENP and ENI,
  • provide a tool that will help civil society organisations to build their capacities to participate in the planning of program priorities at the national and regional levels, monitor the coverage and outcomes of EU financial instruments,
  • ensure broader civil society group involvement in EU, EIB and EBRD decision making processes and policy making,
  • provide a critical reading of the engagement of the EIB and EBRD from a human rights-based approach,
  • present practical advice on how to undertake advocacy work within the context of ENP, ENI and the IFIs (the EBRD and the EIB).