Home >> Publications >> Cohesion Policy 2014-2020: Finding a good compromise on thematic concentration (Briefing for S&D MEPs)

Cohesion Policy 2014-2020: Finding a good compromise on thematic concentration (Briefing for S&D MEPs)

Environmental NGOs fully understand the need of more flexibility for regions that but have high concerns with the solution proposed by the Parliament regarding the principle of thematic concentration: in this time of crisis, we note with concern that many Member States and regions stick to business as usual approaches to re-boost growth urgently – because it is considered to be faster and easier than more innovative, complex and forward looking solutions. There is therefore a high likeliness than many regions will include in their thematic concentration the thematic objective 7 on transport infrastructures and removing bottlenecks – which means in practice massive investments in road infrastructures. Our national colleagues confirm this concern. This briefing outlines five major shortcomings in such an approach and offers a better compromise.
