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Publications on EU funds

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Briefing | December 28, 2013

This toolkit provides EU funds practitioners, whether it be relevant officials in municipalities, potential EU funds grantees, local communities, civil society organisations or interested members of the public, with an overview of all the legal regulations related to environmental mainstreaming and sustainable development that have been introduced into the forthcoming EU budgetary period of 2014-2020. In practical terms, coverage is provided, too, of the relevant environmental mainstreaming strategies and mechanisms.

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Study | December 28, 2013

Analyses and comments elaborated and published in the course of the
on-going programming process from May until December 2013 show that the draft planning documents fail to ensure sustainable development, are half-hearted in environmental protection, sideline partners and neglect communities.

Advocacy letter | December 11, 2013

At the present stage, the Partnership Agreements and the Operational Programmes for the next Cohesion Policy period (2014-2020) are not proving to be sufficient for effectively catalysing the EU's transition towards resource efficient, renewable energy based economies. In this letter to the Director Generals for Regional Policy, Environment and Climate Change, European environmental NGOs raise their worries over the Programming of EU Funds in EU Member States. The main concern is that environmental priorities are not being properly addressed.

Briefing | November 25, 2013

Regional and local governments, communities and local action groups are able to receive financial support from the 2014 – 2020 EU budget to finance energy efficiency and renewable energy projects in their communities. This briefing outlines how an optimal public-private financing mix, including European funding, can look and how it can be developed with the involvement of local stakeholders.

Briefing | November 14, 2013

Based on analysis of Partnership Agreements and experiences of 'partnership' in current programming, participants are regrettably forming the view that Member States’ current planning of Regional Development funding for the period 2014 -2020 fails to acknowledge that Europe’s current ecological footprint lays way beyond the planet’s carrying capacity and, as a consequence, that economic and regional development – fostered by the EU funds – has to transform production and consumption patterns to a sustainable level that does not over-exploit natural resources.

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Bankwatch Mail | November 11, 2013

Coinciding with the beginning of international climate negotiations at the COP19/CMP9 in Warsaw and with many observers already questioning the Polish government's ambitions for the summit, Issue 57 of Bankwatch Mail introduces the country also known as Coal-land and finds (among many other things) people protesting (successfully) against the pervasive smell of coal in the air.

Bankwatch Mail | November 11, 2013

Coal may still very much be king in the minds of the Polish government but, on the evidence of a ground-breaking campaign over the last year in Krakow, the seeds have been sown for a citizens' revolution that could redraw the Polish energy sector and improve health and quality of life for towns and cities all across the country. Alongside effective campaigning, EU money is playing a role in these developments, and has the potential to do a lot more.

Bankwatch Mail | November 11, 2013

With only a few weeks to go until the end of the year, and the official start of the new EU budgetary period for 2014-2020 that will see billions of euros flow into central and eastern Europe (CEE), national governments are racing to finalise their EU spending allocations for the forthcoming seven-year period. But, according to new analysis and a data visualisation put together by Bankwatch and Friends of the Earth Europe, CEE member states look set to pass up the opportunity to devote adequate funds for green projects and initiatives.

Bankwatch Mail | November 11, 2013

A list of 35 regional priority energy projects selected on 24 October in Belgrade by the Energy Community's Ministerial Council has been greeted with dismay by civil society groups from across the western Balkans.

Advocacy letter | October 10, 2013

This letter to Commissioner Janez Potocnik outlines serious concerns regarding the optional "Transitional National Plan" (TNP) derogation of the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED). The TNPs provide an opportunity for the coal industry and governments to pollute more compared to the general pollution limits set by the IED. In some cases using this derogation makes retrofitting plants economically viable, because thanks to the derogation they are given more time to meet the IED pollution limits.