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Spirited away – Mongolia's mining boom and the people that development left behind

The report, based on a fact finding mission to the Tavan Tolgoi and Oyu Tolgoi mines in Mongolia, examines the social and environmental impacts of mining in Mongolia. It offers a more in-depth look at the impacts on herders who have been displaced by the mining operations, the local effects of the construction of infrastructure and the mining operations themselves.

Bankwatch report and video: Mongolia’s mining bonanza poses threat to locals and planet

A new report launched today by CEE Bankwatch Network, urgewald and OT Watch (1), following on-the-ground research in Mongolia, details the impact of the country’s mining boom on local populations, shedding light on the ignored side of one of the biggest business stories of today: Mongolia’s planned public offering of the state-owned Erdenes Tavan Tolgoi and the rights to one of the world's largest untapped coal reserves. (2)

Video: Spirited away - Mongolia's mining boom and the people that development left behind


Earlier this week we published an overview of two Central Asian mining projects financed by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development - the Kumtor gold mine in Kyrgyzstan and the Ukhaa Khudag coal mine in Mongolia's south Gobi desert, which is part of the much larger - in fact the world's largest - coal deposit at Tavan Tolgoi.

Mining boom in Mongolia


With huge amounts of unexploited natural resources (gold, copper, coal and more) the Mongolian economy is estimated to grow massively in the years to come. But will it also benefit the people in Mongolia? Our work shows how mining operations lead to pollution and displacement for local herders and exacerbate water scarcity issues.

Rushing into gold can leave people behind, EBRD


A look at mining projects in Kyrgyzstan and Mongolia reveal a need to carefully revise the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development’s involvement in the exploitation of natural resources.

Moscou Saint-Pétersbourg : l'autoroute de la discorde

Source: Edouard Marguier and Mathieu Molard , Nouvel Observateur

La construction du premier tronçon de l’autoroute entre Moscou et Saint-Pétersbourg a commencé. Une route de 43 kms qui passe en plein cœur de la forêt de Khimki, au grand dam des écologistes. Un chantier confié à la société Vinci Concession. Reportage.

Sustainability rules over future EU regional funds

Source: Ana-Maria Tolbaru, EurActiv

The EU’s next budget is likely to include the first-ever binding document setting “stronger” and “clearer” objectives for regional funds to support sustainable development.

Recommendations to achieve a sustainable Multiannual Financial Framework 2014-2020

The 2014-2020 Multiannual Financial Framework (EU budget) will be a decisive tool for Europe to demonstrate that it can achieve economic and social prosperity by committing to a decarbonised, resource and energy-efficient and socially just economy. This briefing recommends to further strengthen the European Commission's budget proposal by shifting allocations and spending priorities to sectors of the green economy, eventually helping to create more jobs and future proof green markets.

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