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EU Funds to the rescue in Krakow - Local campaign leading the way for Polish communities sick of (and sick from) coal


The likely allocation of EU funds is set to bring about a breakthrough success for a popular and dearly needed campaign for better air quality in Krakow, Poland.

Green 10 letter on innovation to the Presidents of the European Parliament, the European Council and the European Commission

Ahead of a European Council meeting on innovation, Green 10, a coalition of the ten largest environmental organisations working at the European level, called on the Presidents of the three main EU institutions to promote sustainable innovation. Noting that certain companies who masquerade as innovators are actually seeking to block policies that challenge the status quo and deliver on sustainable innovation. The letter continues to stress the needs for a wider concept of innovation, the stimulating role of public policies and the importance of the precautionary principle.

EU lists 'key' energy projects amid criticism

Source: Valentina Pop, EuObserver

The European Commission on Monday (14 October) listed 250 "key" energy infrastructure projects eligible for quicker EU funding to the tune of €5.8 billion in the next seven years.

Letter to Commissioner Potocnik: NGO concerns over the Transitional National Plans pursuant to the Industrial Emissions Directive 2010/75/EU

This letter to Commissioner Janez Potocnik outlines serious concerns regarding the optional "Transitional National Plan" (TNP) derogation of the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED). The TNPs provide an opportunity for the coal industry and governments to pollute more compared to the general pollution limits set by the IED. In some cases using this derogation makes retrofitting plants economically viable, because thanks to the derogation they are given more time to meet the IED pollution limits.

Oops ... Poland did it again aka standing in the way of climate progress


Just a few weeks before leading international climate negotiations at the COP 19 in Warsaw, and in the face of the new IPCC report’s dire conclusions, the Polish government is again obstructing European emissions reduction ambitions.

Las ONG ambientales piden a la banca europea que paren las inversiones al carbón

Source: , El Mercurio Digital

The Green 10 pide al BERD que no vaya a contracorriente y que actúe con responsabilidad sumándose al camino hacia la descarbonización

France to probe Vinci corruption allegations over Russia contract

Source: Michael Stothard and Charles Clover, Financial Times

French prosecutors announced they will look into allegations of bribery involving Vinci, which is building a 43km stretch of toll road linking Moscow to St Petersburg.

Enquête ouverte contre une filiale russe de Vinci

Source: , Le Monde

Le parquet de Paris a annoncé jeudi 3 octobre l'ouverture d'une enquête préliminaire sur des infractions financières qui auraient été commises par une filiale de Vinci en marge de la construction de l'autoroute reliant Moscou et Saint-Pétersbourg.

Another company withdraws from controversial Plomin C coal plant in Croatia

Zagreb -- Korean company KOSEP has confirmed that it no longer intends to participate in bidding for the controversial 500 MW Plomin C coal power plant in Croatia. KOSEP is the second of the four strategic bidders shortlisted in September 2012 to pull out of the project, after Polish company POL-MOT withdrew in the spring of this year.

[Campaign update] Growing solidarity with local communities in Georgia puts Khudoni dam in spotlight


Protests against the Khudoni mega-dam in Georgia are spreading beyond the local communities affected by the dam. [*]

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