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Bankwatch reaction on Commission's new budget proposal No more excuses for clean energy budget holes

Reacting to today's European Commission Communication on the forthcoming EU budget review for the 2014-2020 period, the public funds watchdog group CEE Bankwatch Network called for concerted Commission and member state commitment to boost EU-funded clean energy programmes in central and eastern Europe. [1]

For the current 2007-2013 EU budget period, Bankwatch research has found the ten new member states to be spending a mere 2.4 per cent (EUR 4.2 billion) of their total EU Funds on energy efficiency and renewables initiatives. [2]

Markus Trilling, EU funds coordinator for Bankwatch and Friends of the Earth Europe, said: "Today's announcement from the European Commission on the future EU budget sets out intentions for a more flexible budget to address 'unforeseen events'. Yet the huge climate change challenge has been staring Europe in the face since well before the current budget billions were allocated across the member states, and so far we have seen an astonishing lack of ambition in funding for real clean energy outcomes via energy efficiency and renewables projects.

"It's now up to the Commission and the new member states to indeed learn the lessons of the past and of now. Amidst the budget skirmishes to come, there must be underlying commitments to seriously ramp up clean energy funding that can catalyse low-carbon economies and deliver good news for jobs and the environment. While energy efficiency and renewables don't feature heavily in today's communication, it is certainly encouraging that the Commission is talking of future budgetary resources being used to mainstream green technologies and services across all EU policies."

For more information

Markus Trilling
EU Funds coordinator
CEE Bankwatch Network/Friends of the Earth Europe
Mobile +32 2 893 1031
Email: markus.trilling AT foeeurope.org

Notes for editors:

1. European Commission's Communication on the EU Budget Review:

2. See the Bankwatch study Potential unfulfilled - EU funding and Cohesion policy can do more for sustainable climate and energy development in central and eastern Europe at: http://bit.ly/8YYAiU (pdf)
