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Bankwatch in the media

EurActiv | October 17, 2012

MEPs and local NGOs worry that that the European Commission is bypassing civil society and environmental rules as it devises an energy strategy for the Western Balkan region.

EurActiv | October 11, 2012

Keti Medarova-Bergstrom and Pawel Swidlicki put their heads together to identify why and where EU budgetary spending has got it wrong in the past and propose how roughly €1 trillion can better serve Europe's environment, economy and people in the next funding period.

EurActiv | October 10, 2012

Western and Eastern European governments fighting over some billions less or more to the EU's next multi-annual budget (2014-2020) would better focus on how to spend this precious resource.

Public Service Europe | October 2, 2012

*Despite the establishment of internal bodies to help increase transparency and address complaints - international development banks still offer a very limited right to redress, /PublicServiceEurope.com /reports*

Public Service Europe | September 28, 2012

The seven-year EU budget could unlock investment and jobs, but only if the shadow-boxing around the negotiating table ends now.

Ekonomia24.pl, Rzeczpospolita | September 21, 2012

Polscy przeciwnicy budowy kopalń odkrywkowych węgla brunatnego zyskują nowych sojuszników. Poparcie otrzymali już od podobnych organizacji działających w Niemczech, przedstawiciele kolejnych krajów deklarują pomoc w walce z odkrywkami w Polsce i Europie

3e News | September 18, 2012

The total investment cost for renewable sources in Bulgaria would be approximately EUR 745 million, according analysis of CEE Bankwatch Network

The Africa Report | August 9, 2012

Would anyone like to buy some triple A derivatives that simultaneously prove to everyone that you are a truly caring person?

Public Service Europe | August 9, 2012

Despite fines and alleged scandals, questionable companies win new contracts every day and posts impressive profits – claims campaign group

Le Courrier | August 6, 2012

ENERGIE Au pays de Tchernobyl, les autorités publiques comptent, avec de l’argent suisse notamment, stimuler la production massive d’électricité à partir de nucléaire et de charbon.