Den Europæiske Investeringsbanks kapital vokser, men det samme gør kritikken af dens investeringer i kulkraft. De er i strid med EU’s klimamål, mener både ngo’er og politikere, der opfordrer banken til at stoppe sine kulinvesteringer og engagere sig mere i klimakampen
20. februar 2013
Now that a budget deal has been brokered between EU heads of states and governments, NGOs intend to be uncompromising in tracking the spending decisions at national level, writes Markus Trilling .
L’Union européenne commence ce jeudi d’âpres négociations pour boucler le cadre financier pluriannuel (CFP) dans lequel seront construits chaque budget annuel de l’UE des sept ans à venir. Déjà perdu ? La migraine pointe ? Énervé ?
As Kosovo becomes a member of International Financial Institutions, such as the World Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, alarm bells are ringing about which model of development these bodies are pushing in the EU’s newest country.
A European commitment to allocate 20% of all funds to climate change related projects is hanging in the balance, according to observers at the EU budget talks in Brussels.
Reputation isn’t always a good thing. In an age of ‘corporate social responsibility’, corporations definitely don’t want to be known as ‘the worst company of the year’.
The Gibe III dam could help Ethiopia's development, but it might also be disastrous for the environment and threaten half a million people's livelihoods.