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Film premier: Winstar Wars explores south Tunisia's gas exploration region

Almost 40 years ago Star Wars was filmed in the south of Tunisia. For many this will be the only association with the country. The city of Tataouine – after which the planet Tatooine was named in George Lucas’ film – is not a touristic mecca, though. The capital of the largest region of Tunisia with 100 000 inhabitants has only 3 hotels which stand largely empty.

But Tataouine struggles with more than lack of tourism. The civil war across the border in Libya, religious radicalism and not least aggressive activity of foreign mining companies are challenges blending with the people’s fight for democracy and progress.

The 24 minute documentary Winstar Wars gives you a glimpse at how this region looks today. The film is part of the Polish Festival HumanDOC and can be watched for free using the platform Kinoplex.

"Why is the south of Tunisia a demilitarised zone? You can get there only with a special permit. What is going on there? There is no army, no war. No, there are oil companies. Nobody has the right to see the destruction this industry causes."
Local community organiser in Tataouine

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