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[Campaign update] Petition to clean up southeast Europe's energy system


By now regular readers of the Bankwatch blog will know that the energy system in southeast Europe is corrupt, dirty and inefficient. But we now have an opportunity to change it.

On 16 October, the region's energy ministers will meet in Tirana to agree on the revision of the Energy Community Treaty, which has the potential to tighten up environmental legislation, prevent subsidies to dirty energy and increase energy efficiency in the region.

Together with our partners from across the region we are asking the ministers to create a fairer, cleaner and more efficient energy sector by:

  • Investing much more in energy efficiency in homes, to help people reduce their energy bills;
  • Ensuring investigation and prosecution in corruption cases, to encourage responsible new investors;
  • Adopt and fulfill EU climate goals and targets now, with EU funding and support.

Do you live in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro or Serbia? Then support the action by signing the petition!

You can also read more background on the Energy Community on our campaign page.
