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Nuclear financing through the backdoor

This action has been brought to a close. Thanks for your support!

While EU energy officials met on Monday, June 6, to discuss the shape of the Energy Union, we were joined by friends from WeMove.eu, equipped with your signatures and personal comments that you left while signing the petition.

We were not able to meet the responsible officials of the European Commission, but requested a meeting with the Commissioner for Energy Union, Maroš Šefčovič and we intend to present him with our signatures - in a box filled with hundreds of golden chocolate coins adorned with a radiation warning sign.

We’re doing this because the undeserved trust in and support for nuclear energy could give old nuclear reactors a new lease on life – just as is happening currently in Ukraine with its Soviet-era reactors.

Thank you for being part of the protest against a dated and dangerous technology. The more we are, the harder it is for the Commission to deny our request. While we wait for their reply, we will closely monitor the Energy Union processes and alert you with further news.

Original alert: Nuclear financing through the backdoor

The movement for a nuclear-free Europe is gaining momentum, and we need your support - will you add your voice to the groundswell and help power down dangerous reactors?

We're partnering with friends at WeMove to petition the European Commission to drop a backdoor deal that could enable more public money for dangerous nukes.

Let's make clear we don't agree to pay for a dangerous technology.

Sign the petition now >>

On Monday energy ministers will meet in Luxembourg to discuss a proposal that could pave the way for our taxpayer money to be diverted away from clean energy sources towards a nuclear future for Europe.

These types of plans are an example of the thinking that has kept the outdated reactor fleet in Ukraine on life support. And plans to give old nuclear reactors a new lease on life exist all across Europe. But when dodgy deals like these are made without our opinion, the results are clear - risky energy projects that burden the public purse and threaten our environment and our health.

Let's make sure that the voices of Europeans will not be ignored. Since Tuesday, more than 40 000 people have already stood in solidarity and added their name to the petition.

Add your name now and let us reach 100 000 before Monday.

If enough signatures are gathered before Monday's energy meeting, WeMove will deliver the petition on our behalf to decision-makers in Brussels.

Help us by signing and sharing the petition - nuclear power, not with my tax money!
