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EU budget review must enhance European climate action

The European Commission must listen to the European Parliament calling for an EU budget that works for people and planet - according to CEE Bankwatch Network, Friends of the Earth Europe and Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe.

EU funds in people's hands. When small things make a difference.


A Croation winner of Bankwatch's Better Ideas contest for sustainable EU Funds has just begun implementing their project. The positive responses from their community and the successful start illustrate that "small is beautiful" can also apply to Cohesion Policy.

Video: Notes for a better Europe

European spending is often considered unnecessary, beaurocratic, and even damaging. We're the last ones to deny that in Bankwatch.

Yet, we are convinced that EU spending - if it is done right - can truly serve the public interest by creating jobs, reducing energy bills, minimizing air pollution, etc.

Our new video highlights how some European projects are showing the way to a greener Europe and a better world.

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