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Don't finance Trans-Anatolian Pipeline (TANAP) - NGO letter to World Bank

A group of 39 international NGOs sent a letter to the Directors of the World Bank (WB) today urging the Bank not to finance the Trans Anatolian Pipeline (TANAP). TANAP is the Eastern part of the Southern Gas Corridor, a 3500 kilometres-long chain of gas pipelines from Azerbaijan to Europe.

The WB Directors will consider on December 20th a loan to the Turkish company Botas for the construction of the pipeline.

Export finance in Slovakia - for coal, against sustainable development

Slovakia’s official stance in the upcoming climate negotiations in Paris Climate Summit is no progressive one. An argument often heard is that a small country like Slovakia plays only a little role. The handful of coal plants in Slovakia cannot “compete” with the CO2 emissions of economic giants like the United States or China. And we do not significantly contribute to migration caused by climate impacts. But that is not true.

IFIs pull out of Turkish coal project - NGO pressure integral

Coal power plants are mushrooming all over Turkey, there’s no doubt about that. With the government’s plan to reach 120,000 MW of installed capacity by 2023, double that of today, a 1350 MW power plant in the already heavily industrialised and polluted peninsula of Aliaga in western Turkey could easily have gone unnoticed.

New online toolkit to tackle the Kings of Coal in south east Europe and Turkey

Last year saw international financial institutions such as the European Investment Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the World Bank falling like dominoes one after the other and announcing in rapid succession that they will halt – almost totally – financing for new coal power plants. These banks were also joined by other institutions such as the US Exim Bank and the Nordic Investment Bank, and governments including the US, UK, Netherlands and Scandinavian countries.

New online toolkit to help tackle the Kings of Coal in southeast Europe and Turkey


Coal investments are a dying breed in many countries, but some investors are still ready to try their luck in southeast Europe and Turkey. For campaigners who want to communicate with these actors Bankwatch has developed the user-friendly online toolkit Kings of Coal in three languages.

The case of a 'secret' coal plant in Turkey suggests a polluted future for the country


The SOCAR Refinery project and its ‘secret’ coal power plant show the magnitude of the problems that the mixture of business interests, coal and neglect of local health concerns may cause in Turkey.

New report - How Turkey's coal boom threatens local economies on the Black Sea

With coal power expansion booming in Turkey, a new Bankwatch report based on a recent field trip finds that the environmental impacts of coal power plants are inadequately assessed, while Turkey's viable, clean alternatives to coal are neither being analysed or discussed seriously by senior policy- and decision-makers.

Turkey pushes dirty coal despite solar potential second only to Spain

Istanbul -- Following a fact finding mission to the Turkish Black Sea Coast, Bankwatch and Greenpeace Mediterranean publish a paper outlining some of the controversial aspects surrounding Turkish coal power plant plans in the Black Sea region.

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