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Trans-Adriatic Pipeline

Southern Gas Corridor update: Russian involvement increasingly evident


While new public finance for the Southern Gas Corridor is lining up, the European Commission's narrative that the pipeline would relieve Europe’s dependence on Russian gas continues to crumble.

Italian communities block pipeline works to save ancient olive trees


An ancient olive grove in southern Italy is currently on the frontlines of grassroots resistance to the Southern Gas Corridor project, the EU’s flagship energy project.

Question marks abound over EU-Azerbaijan gas tango


Ministers, ambassadors and envoys from at least 15 countries, including Maroš Šefčovič, the European Commission’s Vice President for the Energy Union, are gathered today in the Azerbaijani capital to discuss the progress on the Southern Gas Corridor, the largest energy project the EU is currently pursuing.

But over the past couple of months, it seems the European Commission’s justifications for this controversial undertaking have been crumbling by the day.

Little left of human rights

UK companies 'linked to Azerbaijan pipeline bribery scandal'

Source: Jamie Doward, The Guardian

Alleged payments to Italian MP before key European debate scrutinised

Gas pipelines run over EU energy policy

Source: Terry Macalister, Climate News Network

Critics claim €3bn European funding for the Southern Gas Corridor energy project would undermine EU climate change targets and gloss over human rights abuses.

LONDON, 14 September, 2016 – Civil society campaigners have accused the European Union of pouring unprecedented amounts of state aid into a huge energy project that runs counter to its own climate change objectives.

Albanians Dispute New Pipeline Compensation Rates

Source: Fatjona Mejdini, Balkan Insight

NGOs warn that Albanian families expected to give up their properties to make room for the Adriatic pipeline project, TAP, have not been adequately compensated, while some have faced threats of government expropriation.

Four families in Albania have submitted complaints to the European Investment Bank, EIB, over the low level of compensation they have been offered from TAP representatives for the displacement of their properties as a result of building the pipeline.

TAP in Albania

Source: Mariglen Bita, Korca TV

Organizata joqeveritare Bank Watch Network po kryen nje vizite dhe inspektim ne vendin tone per te pare nga afer zbatimin e projekteve madhore me impakt ne ekonomi. Sipas perfaqesuesve te kesaj organizate eshte mjaft e rendesishme qe gjate implementimit ne terren te projekteve madhore dhe afatgjata te merren parasysh interesat e banoreve dhe qytetareve per tu ofruar atyre zgjidhje te qendrueshme.

'We have no other option' - Preparation of the Trans-Adriatic Pipeline in Albania

The Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP), the most western part of the Southern Gas Corridor, a pipeline project to bring gas from Azerbaijan to Europe is promoted by the European Commission as a strategic asset for Europe’s energy security. A July visit to over 30 Albanian villages revealed the high level of dissatisfaction and confusion for people impacted by the construction of TAP.

Kredia 1.5 miliardë euro; organizatat mjedisore kundërshtojnë financimin e gazsjellësit TAP

Source: Besar Likmeta, Reporter.al

CEE Bankwatch, një rrjet organizatash mjedisore në Europën Qendrore dhe Lindore, i ka kërkuar bankave Europiane për zhvillim të mos e financojnë projektin e gazsjellësit TAP, duke cituar kompensimin e padrejtë të qytetarëve shqiptarë të prekur nga projekti – të cilën ato e cilësojnë si të panevojshëm për sigurinë energjetike të Europës.

Të hënën presidenti i Bankës Europiane për Rindërtim dhe Zhvillim Suma Chakrabati do të vizitojë Tiranën, ndërkohë që BERZH po vlerëson një kredi prej 1.5 miliardë euro për Gazsjellësin Trans Adriatik, TAP, – kredia më e madhe në historinë e bankës.

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