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Azerbaijan's Laundromat scandal raises concerns over the EU's growing business ties with the authoritarian regime

Brussels - Adding up to the list of shady practices of Azerbaijan’s authoritarian regime the Azerbaijani Laundromat corruption scheme raises serious concerns over the EU’s intensifying relationship with the government in Baku. In particular, the latest revelations, cast even more doubts over the already controversial Southern Gas Corridor, the largest energy project the EU is currently pursuing together with Baku.

World Bank's controversial TANAP loan is bad news for human rights and climate action

Yesterday, the World Bank’s board of directors approved two USD 400 million loans, to Azerbaijan and to Turkey, to develop the Trans Anatolian Pipeline (TANAP), the centrepiece of the Southern Gas Corridor project. CEE Bankwatch Network and Counter Balance are deeply concerned that the decision to channel such large amounts of money to Europe’s biggest fossil fuels project could exacerbate the already dismal human rights situation in both Azerbaijan and Turkey, and undermine the global efforts to tackle the climate crisis.

NGO letter to AIIB concerning loan for Trans-Anatolian Pipeline (TANAP) in Turkey

Ahead of an expected loan decision by the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank for the TANAP pipeline, non-governmental organisations raised concerns over financing a project of this size in a country under martial law where the human rights situation is deteriorating continuously.

Don't finance Trans-Anatolian Pipeline (TANAP) - NGO letter to World Bank

A group of 39 international NGOs sent a letter to the Directors of the World Bank (WB) today urging the Bank not to finance the Trans Anatolian Pipeline (TANAP). TANAP is the Eastern part of the Southern Gas Corridor, a 3500 kilometres-long chain of gas pipelines from Azerbaijan to Europe.

The WB Directors will consider on December 20th a loan to the Turkish company Botas for the construction of the pipeline.

Revealed: the EU's flagship energy project is built by companies with a legacy of corruption

No less than 15 firms contracted to build the Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) and the Trans Anatolian Pipeline (TANAP), the two main sections of the so-called Southern Gas Corridor, have been implicated in various forms of corruption in the past, according to a CEE Bankwatch Network report published today.

Risky business - Who benefits from the Southern Gas Corridor

The Southern Gas Corridor, a string of pipelines meant to bring gas from Azerbaijan into Europe, is presented as a panacea for all ills and is set to benefit from some of the biggest loans in the history of European public banks. But as this report reveals, Europe's flagship energy project is set to benefit a host of companies and individuals with a particularly shady track record. Several companies contracted to build the Southern Gas Corridor have a worrying history of corruption.

'Southern Graft Corridor' or the shady history of companies involved in Europe's pet energy project


A new Bankwatch study reveals a worrying track record of criminal and corrupt activities among the companies that are building Europe’s flagship gas pipeline project, the Southern Gas Corridor.

Letter to ADB concerning loan for Shah Deniz gas field in Azerbaijan

Ahead of an expected loan decision by the Asian Development Bank for the Shah Deniz gas field in Azerbaijan, non-governmental organisations raised concerns over the human rights situation in the country as well as in Turkey, to where the gas from Shah Deniz will be transported via the Southern Gas Corridor.

Gas pipelines run over EU energy policy

Source: Terry Macalister, Climate News Network

Critics claim €3bn European funding for the Southern Gas Corridor energy project would undermine EU climate change targets and gloss over human rights abuses.

LONDON, 14 September, 2016 – Civil society campaigners have accused the European Union of pouring unprecedented amounts of state aid into a huge energy project that runs counter to its own climate change objectives.

No security for Europe from the Southern Gas Corridor


With an ownership structure heavily influenced by Azerbaijan, the European Commission’s flagship energy project may end up being a costly piece of infrastructure that does not increase Europe’s energy security but offers a tool for political leverage to the authoritarian Aliyev regime.

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