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Guest post: Renewables kept in thrall in the Czech Republic


How to overcome the stagnation in the Czech renewable energy sector? Ending the government’s crusade against renewable support schemes would be a good starting point, writes Karel Polanecky from Bankwatch’s member group Hnuti Duha, Friends of the Earth Czech Republic.

Sonnige Grüße aus Tschernobyl

Source: Bernhard Clasen, taz

Die Regierung in Kiew will endlich unabhäng von russischem Gas werden. Ein Solarpark in der Zone um Tschernobyl soll helfen.

KIEW taz | Mehr Sonne: Die Regierung der Ukraine hat ehrgeizige Pläne zur Förderung erneuerbarer Energien. Kürzlich stellte sie ein neues Projekt vor: Eine 6.000 Hektar große Solarfarm in der 30-Kilometer-Zone um die Reaktoren von Tschernobyl.

EU funds spending plans in Latvia: What's hidden behind the 'green veneer'?


The millions of EU Cohesion Policy money are choosing the 'darker side' of Latvia's renewable energy sources.

Guest post: Croatia and the Energy Union: the European Commission's unwarranted obsession with gas


Building the Energy Union, the European Commission pretends that all is well for renewables in Croatia and unnecessarily fixates on diversifying gas supply instead of managing demand.

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