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Little impact of EU aid for Egypt - Ongoing abuses and Brussels scrutiny puts EBRD's best laid plans in question


How is the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development able to justify a brand new host country agreement with Egypt, given the abuses still being endured in Egypt and the failure of one billion euros of EU money to improve the economic and human rights situation there?

[Campaign update] The reality of resettlement in Kolubara: Out of the frying pan into the fire

A quick visit to the Kolubara mining basin reveals that the resettlement there looks nothing like the presentation from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

Guest post: Development banks and the Arab Spring, new report takes stock


A new report takes a critical look at the engagement of European development banks in Egypt after the popular uprisings in the Middle East and North African region. This article appeared originally on the Counter Balance blog and has been shortened and slightly edited.

Guest post: A Russian journalist and Khimki forest activist is dead


The news circulated yesterday that Mikhail Beketov, a Russian journalist who campaigned against corrupt practices in connection to the planned highway construction through Khimki Forest, has died. This guest post by Mikhail Matveev and Ivan Smirnov, fellow Khimki activists, tells Beketov's story.

Don’t let facts get in the way of a good EBRD Roma headline


The EBRD's claims it has helped turn Serbia into a "role model for social inclusion of Roma" ring hollow in light of the plethora of abuses of Romas' rights in other cases in Serbia.

Europe's energy games are not child's play


A new campaign video illustrates Europe's self-absorbed approach to its energy policy outside Europe. (A blog entry Cross-posted from the Counter Balance blog.)

Khimki Forest activist wins Goldman Environmental Prize


One of this year's winners of the Goldman Environmental Prize is Russian Khimki Forest defender Evgenia Chirikova, but the good news is being overshadowed by continued violence against other Khimki activists.

Energy Security for whom? For what?


A new report by The Corner House critically examines the notion of “energy security,” one of the buzzwords in European politics used to justify controversial infrastructure projects like the Nabucco gas pipeline or high voltage transmission lines in Ukraine. Here an introduction to the report from its authors.

Tragedy or comedy, what is the Nabucco pipeline really?


The announcement of German energy giant RWE to reconsider its plans for the Nabucco pipeline is just the last in a series of confusingly conflicting signals regarding the fate of this gargantuan project.

A historic event, the European Investment Bank opens its doors (a bit)


Ahead of a meeting next week that offers a unique chance for discussion with the EIB's Board of Directors, Bankwatch's EIB team leader Anna Roggenbuck gives an overview over some of the issues to which she'd like to hear some comments by the bank's enigmatic leadership.

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