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human rights

World Bank's controversial TANAP loan is bad news for human rights and climate action

Yesterday, the World Bank’s board of directors approved two USD 400 million loans, to Azerbaijan and to Turkey, to develop the Trans Anatolian Pipeline (TANAP), the centrepiece of the Southern Gas Corridor project. CEE Bankwatch Network and Counter Balance are deeply concerned that the decision to channel such large amounts of money to Europe’s biggest fossil fuels project could exacerbate the already dismal human rights situation in both Azerbaijan and Turkey, and undermine the global efforts to tackle the climate crisis.

Letter to ADB concerning loan for Shah Deniz gas field in Azerbaijan

Ahead of an expected loan decision by the Asian Development Bank for the Shah Deniz gas field in Azerbaijan, non-governmental organisations raised concerns over the human rights situation in the country as well as in Turkey, to where the gas from Shah Deniz will be transported via the Southern Gas Corridor.

Going abroad - a critique of the European Investment Bank's External Lending Mandate

This report analyses how and if the European Investment Bank (EIB) is fulfilling its development role under the so-called External Lending Mandate (ELM) for the period 2014-2020. It sheds light on the more questionable quality and effectiveness of EIB operations and on the neglected areas of the bank’s performance outside Europe, such as transparency and access to information practices, its attitude towardstax evasion and tax dodging, human rights due diligence.

The EU bank's dubious overseas development experience shows it cannot be a key player in Europe's response to the plight of refugees - report

The EIB is increasingly given a prominent role in the EU’s response to the so-called refugee crisis stretching the bank’s operations well beyond its current mandate for overseas investments. Yet, a new report by Counter Balance and CEE Bankwatch Network takes a closer look at projects the EU’s house bank has been financing outside Europe to find a dismal track record on a range of issues from transparency to human rights. This, the report authors say, should serve as a warning sign for the European Parliament and Council as they consider boosting the bank’s mandate.

Here be dragons: How the EU bank's development finance overlooks people at risk


The European Investment Bank’s failure in safeguarding the most vulnerable groups in its projects shows it is ill-equipped to help refugees and host communities in the European Union’s neighbourhood. A new report explains the bank’s weaknesses in identifying and responding to human rights risks.

Azerbaijan's crackdown on civil society must not be tolerated, international NGOs tell industry transparency body

The Azerbaijani government’s relentless repression of civil society should disqualify the country from participating in the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI), 18 international groups wrote in a letter sent on Thursday (October 20) to members of the EITI board.

European development bank raises $391m through debut equity fund

Source: Emma Rumney, Public Finance International

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development has raised €350m ($391m) in the first round of fundraising for its debut Equity Participation Fund.

The fund aims to attract long term institutional capital into the private sector of those countries where the EBRD works. It allows large institutional investors to take 20-30% of the interest in all of the EBRD’s eligible investments above €10m ($11m) during a five-year period.

Global call to development banks: don't fund projects that violate human rights

Source: Paola Totaro, Thomson Reuters Foundation

Growing number of national governments have been criminalising activities of land and human rights activists

LONDON, July 14 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - International development banks should ensure their investments do not violate human rights or risk the lives of the activists who defend them, a group of global campaigners said on Thursday.

Happy birthday, Khadija!


A graffiti in Warsaw marks the upcoming birthday of imprisoned Azeri journalist Khadija Ismayilova.

Lost in transition: Far-reaching changes needed as European bank marks 25 years

On April 15, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) will be marking its 25th anniversary. Reflecting on two decades of monitoring the EBRD's policies and projects, a new report from CEE Bankwatch Network raises concerns about a growing gap between the bank's operations and its mandate.

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