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EBRD must not back Egyptian coal imports

Cairo -- Ahead of tomorrow’s Board vote on the EBRD loan to CEMEX Egypt, a number of civil society organisations [*], inlcuding Egyptian groups, urge the bank to reject this project not only because it involves support for dirty coal-based production but also because it actually means promoting the plans of a repressive government despite opposition from civil society.

The EBRD should listen (better) to civil society in Arab Spring countries


In preparation to its extended lending to Arab Spring countries, the EBRD is conducting consultations with civil society. Yet the bank doesn't seem to make an appropriate effort.

The two sides of reality – what the BTC pipeline means for the EBRD in north Africa


To illustrate its readiness to help Arab Spring countries, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development draws on the Baku Tbilisi Ceyhan pipeline project as a positive example. Having closely followed the project, Manana Kochladze outlines why people in north Africa should be wary of what’s to come when the EBRD enters their countries.

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