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New report reveals the 'dark side' of EIB funds: how the EU's bank supports non-transparent investment funds based in tax havens

Counter Balance launches today a new report that critically analyses a little-known part of the European Investment Bank (EIB)’s operations: its use of private equity funds.

The report is available for download at

The report presents a number of statistics and facts about recent investment funds financed by the EIB during the period 2011-2015.

European Parliament intergroup ITCO condemns new transparency policy of the European Investment Bank


The European Investment Bank's slide towards secrecy, manifest in its newly adopted transparency policy, has been lambasted by the intergroup of the European Parliament responsible for transparency and corruption.

EIB's new transparency policy allows for more secrecy

Brussels - Yesterday the European Investment Bank (EIB) formally adopted a revised transparency policy including controversial exceptions to the disclosure of internal documents. This watered down transparency policy comes right before the bank will start implementing the € 315 billion Juncker plan and risks undermining the impact of EU recovery efforts.

Europe's finance ministers urged to stop EU Bank’s ‘extraordinary’ slide towards secrecy

Campaigners across Europe are urging the European Commission and their Ministers of Finance to halt a dangerous slide towards secrecy of the giant European Investment Bank (EIB), of which the EU member states are owners.

Corporate interest on way to win over the EU bank's transparency policy


In the draft version of its new transparency policy the European Investment Bank is making access to information on its tens of billion euros lending harder than ever.

New EBRD policy too weak on tax havens in development finance


Debt and finance watchdog Eurodad has analysed the EBRD's new policy on domiciliation and explains how it does not take the bold steps needed to tackle the use of tax havens in development finance.

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