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Locals oppose dam that is set to endanger critical fish habitat in Bosnia-Herzegovina


We are passing through the canyon of the river Vrbas, in north-west Bosnia-Herzegovina. I am looking through a car window, mouth wide open in awe. While I look up to the rocky, edgy peaks hundreds of meters above and down to the heavenly blue river, I am wondering why anyone would want to dam this river, flood the canyon and destroy its beauty.

Then again, rather than seeing beauty, hydropower companies see wasted water resources, or in the words of a Bosnian official “euros flowing away in vain.”

Ukrainian court backs state attempt to stifle public debate on ageing nuclear fleet

Kiev - Today a Kiev court ruled in favour of a defamation lawsuit brought by the Ukrainian state against a civil society organisation, thus backing the government's attempts to suppress public debate on the country's ageing nuclear fleet.

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