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partnership principle

EU funds in central and eastern Europe: 'partnership principle' still not translating to 'partnership in practice'


As a civil society organisation operating across central and eastern Europe, Bankwatch views its role as a watchdog on how effectively the EU funds are being spent in our countries seriously – with billions of euros on the line, we need to ensure that spending decisions are taken democratically, with transparency to the fore and with stakeholders having a real say in how scarce public investment money is being deployed.

EU funds briefing: implementation of the partnership principle

This report provides an assessment of the application of the “European Code of Conduct on Partnership” (ECCP) during the first half phase of ESI Funds implementation in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Latvia, Poland and Slovakia.

The partnership principle and public participation in neighbouring countries: experiences with the European Neighbourhood Regulation

This paper highlights the deficiencies of the partnership principle and public participation within the European Neighbourhood Policy, in terms of addressing the political and cultural situation in the region. The paper provides recommendations for improvement during the midterm review of the European Neighbourhood Instrument and the proposal from the Commission proposal for a legislative framework for the new EU budget 2021-2027. The paper is based on the experience of CEE Bankwatch Network and its partners between 2012 and 2016.

Same old, same old - No signs yet that Bulgaria is getting real about how to spend its future EU budget money


With less than three months to go until the 2014-2020 EU budgetary period gets underway, a Bulgarian Partnership Agreement is being discussed with the European Commission – but the less said about it the better. In the spirit, though, of a country where a shake of the head means ‘Yes’, we have chosen to spill the beans at some length on where familiar mistakes are being taken, and where they may lead.

The partnership principle in the early stages of programming - experiences from CEE countries

The partnership principle is one of the main principles of Cohesion Policy. Even though still under negotiation it is foreseeable that the new legislation for Cohesion Policy 2014-2020 will enshrine substantial progress in further establishing the partnership principle, i.e. providing for a comprehensive involvement of EU Cohesion Policy stakeholders into planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of EU funds’ investments. This document aims to present the divergence between the agreed principles of the partnership and current experiences in central and eastern European countries.

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