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Paris Agreement

EU urged to honour Paris Agreement, withdraw support for gas mega-pipeline

Brussels, Belgium -- In an open letter released today, climate scientists, indigenous leaders, environmental and social justice groups, actors and artists call on the European Union to immediately withdraw its support for a gas mega-pipeline that would ‘destroy Europe’s climate targets’.

Investment Plan for Europe more climate friendly, but European Parliament shows little ambition

Today in Strasburg, the European Parliament lead committees have brought the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) closer to compliance with the Paris Climate Agreement. However, they have once again fallen short of eliminating fossil fuel subsidies, which stand in the way of climate action.

Backdoor for coal subsidies remains half open under new EU rules


While it may seem like a gesture to coal-dependent countries such as Poland, the Winter Package of EU energy market rules, presented yesterday (30 November), will make using coal subsidies more difficult.

Guest post: Renewables kept in thrall in the Czech Republic


How to overcome the stagnation in the Czech renewable energy sector? Ending the government’s crusade against renewable support schemes would be a good starting point, writes Karel Polanecky from Bankwatch’s member group Hnuti Duha, Friends of the Earth Czech Republic.

European institutions accused of undermining Paris Agreement by funding dirty energy projects

Source: Madeleine Cuff, BusinessGreen

EU bodies including the European Investment Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development are backing fossil fuel projects that threaten progress on climate targets, NGOs claim

Despite the promises made in Paris in December last year, key European institutions continue to fund dirty energy generation over alternative energy sources, according to a new report released yesterday [...]

Guest post: Realities in the Czech renewable sector defy the ideas of the Paris Agreement


If fossil fuels' grip on the Czech Republic's energy sector remains, as current plans and policies confirm, the country's support for the Paris Agreement will be nothing but a sham, writes Karel Polanecky from Bankwatch's Czech member group Hnuti Duha.

EU budget review must enhance European climate action

The European Commission must listen to the European Parliament calling for an EU budget that works for people and planet - according to CEE Bankwatch Network, Friends of the Earth Europe and Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe.

The Paris Agreement is a wake up call for the EU's house bank to realign its investment strategy

The European Investment Bank (EIB) must adopt new directives and operating principles to play a meaningful role in realising the EU's goal of a decarbonised and resource efficient economy, say CEE Bankwatch Network and Counter Balance ahead of the bank's annual meeting during the EU finance ministers' Council this Wednesday, May 25.

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