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EU watchdog investigating European Investment Bank for maladministration

The European Investment Bank (EIB) is being investigated for maladministration, after the European Ombudsman sent a formal letter opening the case this week (27 February 2017).

Ombudsman asks European Investment Bank to act on conflicts of interest issues


In a letter to the President of the European Investment Bank from July 22, the European Union's Ombudsman Emily O'Reilly has asked the bank to review its governance arrangements to help prevent potential conflicts of interest in the bank’s governing bodies.

European Ombudsman hammers EIB over Bosnian bridge maladministration

An unprecedented ruling and serious tough talking emanated from the European Ombudsman at the end of October following an investigation into the EIB’s involvement with a bridge construction project in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Describing the approach taken by the EIB in the case as “wholly unacceptable”, the Ombudsman's conclusion pulled no punches in asserting that the bank's “maladministration risks putting into question the European Union’s commitment to strengthening the rule of law in Bosnia and Herzegovina.”

[Campaign update*] Georgian government and investors reject Ombudsman's offer to mediate in controversy over Khudoni mega dam


The growing antagonism between promoters of the Khudoni hydropower plant project in Georgia and their local opponents from Kaishi is unlikely to ease when the investor and the Georgian Ministry of Energy boycott mediation by Georgia’s Ombudsman.

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