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Legal complaint lodged to save protected Bulgarian Gorge from destructive motorway

Brussels/Sofia, July 6th – A legal complaint submitted today to the European Commission by NGOs [1] alleges that the construction of a controversial EU-funded motorway is already breaking EU nature laws, and warns that completing the final section through Kresna Gorge nature reserve would be catastrophic for protected animals and plants in the region. [2] The complaint calls on the Commission to investigate breaches of EU law, and could result in the Bulgarian government being taken to the European Court of Justice, and hefty fines.

Illegal damage and threat of destruction of the Kresna Gorge, Bulgaria - full complaint

This complaint to the EU Commission was lodged to save the protected Bulgarian Kresna Gorge from a destructive motorway that received EU funding. It alleges that the construction of the controversial motorway is already breaking EU nature laws, and warns that completing the final section through Kresna Gorge nature reserve would be catastrophic for protected animals and plants in the region.

A summary of the complaint is available too. Download the summary.

Illegal damage and threat of destruction of the Kresna Gorge, Bulgaria - complaint summary

This is a summary of a complaint to the EU Commission that was lodged to save the protected Bulgarian Kresna Gorge from a destructive motorway that received EU funding. It alleges that the construction of the controversial motorway is already breaking EU nature laws, and warns that completing the final section through Kresna Gorge nature reserve would be catastrophic for protected animals and plants in the region.

UPDATE: Danube dam-busting - Under the radar EU funds grab spotted in Slovakia


A highly problematic Danube dam project has found its way into the Slovak Operational Programme for the Cohesion Policy spending in the 2014-2020 period and has become a small scandal in the country.

The European Commission, an EBRD shareholder that should start acting like one


Recent Balkan hydro projects suggest the European Commission could make much better use of its shareholder role in the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

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