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За неправилно харчени европейски пари сигнализират от Асоциацията на парковете

Source: Дневник, Дневник

Неправилно разходване на европейски средства за обществените поръчки за изготвяне проекти на планове за управление на Национален парк "Пирин" и Природен парк "Витоша" и потенциална загуба на европейско разнообразие в резултат от тези проекти, финансирани със средства на Европейския съюз по оперативна програма "Околна среда".

Infographics: Pristine Balkan rivers threatened by European "green energy" funding for hydropower

A wave of hydropower development fuelled by European public funding and EU companies is endangering pristine river environments in the Balkans.

New Bankwatch study: European "green energy" funding for hydropower threatens pristine Balkan rivers

Radolfzell, Vienna, Prague - A wave of hydropower development fuelled by European public funding and EU companies is endangering pristine river environments in the Balkans, finds a new study by CEE Bankwatch Network released today.

Financing for hydropower in protected areas in southeast Europe

Southeast Europe is experiencing a wave of hydropower projects. In a region with a deadly combination of Europe's last wild rivers, rampant corruption and inadequate nature protection, the potential for damage is immense. In order to address this issue, we need to know who is making it happen. This research aims - to the extent possible given the secrecy around the financial sector - to find out who are the main actors involved in financing hydropower projects in the region, both overall and inside of protected areas.

Update January 2017

The EBRD has said that financing has been cancelled for four small hydropower plants in Macedonia: Zrnovska reka 1, Zrnovska reka 2, Estericka reka, Kadina reka.

In addition, financing has been cancelled for the 68 MW Boskov Most plant in the Mavrovo National Park, also in Macedonia.

Regarding the Ternove SHPP in Albania, the EBRD has said that it had conducted an on-site investigation into the concerns received in a letter from an affected citizen. The bank found nothing to substantiate the allegations. Bankwatch will continue to monitor the issue.

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