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Georgia's highlanders against hydropower


As the Georgian government moves ahead with its plans for increasing the country’s hydropower capacity, local communities are being sidelined in the process of compensation payments.

Systematic shortcomings will deprive people affected by Georgian dam of compensation


An assessment of livelihoods of people to be affected by the Nenskra hydropower plant in Georgia contains mistakes that will lead to significant losses for locals.

Failing local communities - the Land Assessment and Livelihoods Restoration Plan for the Nenskra dam

A field investigation conducted by CEE Bankwatch Network in the Nenskra and Nakra valleys in Upper Svaneti in Georgia during two visits in July 2017 has found evidence that the Land Acquisition and Livelihood Restoration Plan (LALRP) developed by the project company JSC Nenkra Hydro is inaccurate and fails to properly map, assess and provide adequate compensation for people affected by the project, especially for those that are significantly and severely affected by the planned Nenskra hydropower plant.

Albanians Dispute New Pipeline Compensation Rates

Source: Fatjona Mejdini, Balkan Insight

NGOs warn that Albanian families expected to give up their properties to make room for the Adriatic pipeline project, TAP, have not been adequately compensated, while some have faced threats of government expropriation.

Four families in Albania have submitted complaints to the European Investment Bank, EIB, over the low level of compensation they have been offered from TAP representatives for the displacement of their properties as a result of building the pipeline.

Kredia 1.5 miliardë euro; organizatat mjedisore kundërshtojnë financimin e gazsjellësit TAP

Source: Besar Likmeta, Reporter.al

CEE Bankwatch, një rrjet organizatash mjedisore në Europën Qendrore dhe Lindore, i ka kërkuar bankave Europiane për zhvillim të mos e financojnë projektin e gazsjellësit TAP, duke cituar kompensimin e padrejtë të qytetarëve shqiptarë të prekur nga projekti – të cilën ato e cilësojnë si të panevojshëm për sigurinë energjetike të Europës.

Të hënën presidenti i Bankës Europiane për Rindërtim dhe Zhvillim Suma Chakrabati do të vizitojë Tiranën, ndërkohë që BERZH po vlerëson një kredi prej 1.5 miliardë euro për Gazsjellësin Trans Adriatik, TAP, – kredia më e madhe në historinë e bankës.

Success: Romanian government promises to respect property of villagers threatened by coal mine


After months of protests and the people in Runcurel, a small town in Romania that is to be swallowed by a lignite mine, have finally received positive news from the Romanian government. During a meeting with Bankwatch Romania and Greenpeace Romania, the Minister for Energy Vlad Grigorescu confirmed that the government will do more to protect locals and their houses.

Read more background in our photo story

New agreement for Georgian Khudoni dam signals expropriations and tariff hike


After hitting a snag, the Khudoni dam in Georgia’s mountains is back in the game threatening to expropriate private lands and to bump up electricity prices for Georgian consumers. The controversial changes in an amended contract have inflamed the passion of the Svans who have for years tried to protect their communities from flooding.

Tensions are rising over hydropower and the lack of participation in Georgia's mountains


The mistrust and frustration of communities in the mountains of north-western Georgia is deepening over make-shift consultations on large dam constructions.

Promoters of mega-dam in Georgia use front group and PR campaign and discredit local community


Georgian public opinion backs the village of Kaishi in the Georgian mountains that defiantly defends its land and tradition against the planned Khudoni dam. The project promoters have now embarked on an all-out promotion campaign including a fake non-governmental organisation.

[Campaign update] Growing solidarity with local communities in Georgia puts Khudoni dam in spotlight


Protests against the Khudoni mega-dam in Georgia are spreading beyond the local communities affected by the dam. [*]

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