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South Tunisia: Star Wars filming location suffers environmental threat

Source: Evelina C. Urgolo, Vita International

Almost 40 years ago Star Wars was filmed in the south of Tunisia. The area is now attracting concerns from environmental organizations, rather than tourists.

Almost 40 years has passed since the world-famous saga Star Wars was filmed in the south of Tunisia, in an area which offers beautiful natural scenery and resources. Notwithstanding its cinematic fame, the city of Tataouine – after which the planet Tatooine was named in George Lucas’ film – has not become a touristic mecca as one could expect.

Niezwykły film o problemach Tataouine, które zasłynęło dzięki „Gwiezdnym wojnom”

Source: Piotr Guszkowski, Wyborcza.pl

Ten krótkometrażowy dokument poświęcony problemom tunezyjskiego miasta Tataouine, które zasłynęło dzięki pierwszej części „Gwiezdnych wojen” (podtytuł „Nowa nadzieja” okazuje się dziś bardzo wymowny), będzie można obejrzeć w Warszawie podczas szóstej edycji Międzynarodowego Festiwalu Filmów Dokumentalnych HumanDOC.

Bankwatch fact-finding mission to Tunisia reveals major flaws in EBRD oil and gas investment

In July 2013 the EBRD approved its second loan in Tunisia, to Serinus Energy. With the EBRD investment portfolio in Tunisia standing at the end of 2014 at EUR 212 million the Serinus Energy loan represents roughly 25 percent of all EBRD loans in Tunisia to date and is the only loan to have gone to the country's natural resources and energy sector. With such a significance, therefore, surely the EBRD would make every effort to ensure that the project meets the Performance Requirements of its own Environmental and social policy (from 2008) and that it demonstrates a positive transition impact for Tunisia?

Pinocchio to deliver letters to Kulczyk

This Friday, 16th May at 2.00 pm, petitions to Jan Kulczyk, appealing for his withdrawal from plans to build Elektrownia Północ (‘North’) Power Plant in Pomerania, Poland, will be passed on to Mr. Piotr Maciolek, chairman of Elektrownia Północ Power Plant company, owned by Kulczyk Investments Group. The petitions, signed by over 8200 people, will be delivered by an exceptional guest – Pinocchio.

People power having major impact on Kulczyk's coal power plans

Local community and NGO pressure has been making things rather difficult of late for the largest planned new coal-fired power plant in Europe.

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