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Kings of Coal

First Balkans private power plant boosts coal dependence

Source: Maja Zuvela, Reuters

* Chinese-built plant is first privately built in Western Balkans

* Plant increases regional dependent on dirty coal

* Chinese investment playing growing role in region's power

By Maja Zuvela

STANARI, Bosnia, Sept 20 The Balkan region's first privately-funded power plant came online on Tuesday, increasing the region's dependency on coal-fired power stations even as environmental concerns are driving them to the brink of the extinction elsewhere in Europe.

Serbian government props up almighty coal


A new report by the Belgrade-based NGO CRTA shows that the Serbian government is supporting the Kostolac coal power plant and mines with loan guarantees and potentially VAT exemptions. Propping up the already dominant coal sector, however, will likely further increase Serbia’s vulnerability to extreme weather events. Increasing Serbia's energy efficiency and renewables generation would be the wiser choice.

Big plans for a small country - Montenegro's draft energy strategy


Montenegro's new draft energy strategy needs cutting down to size if environmental and economic damage is to be avoided.

New online toolkit to help tackle the Kings of Coal in southeast Europe and Turkey


Coal investments are a dying breed in many countries, but some investors are still ready to try their luck in southeast Europe and Turkey. For campaigners who want to communicate with these actors Bankwatch has developed the user-friendly online toolkit Kings of Coal in three languages.

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