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Khimki forest

The role of the French multinational Vinci in construction of Moscow–Saint Petersburg motorway

Source: Crime Russia, Crime Russia

The case on French company Vinci’s participating in construction of Moscow–Saint Petersburg motorway is to become a legal precedent. The Khimki Forest Defense activists brought the investigating judge Nanter in the exposure of the scheme on withdrawal of Russian public money to various offshore companies.

NGOs file a complaint against Vinci Russia for corruption of foreign public officials in Khimki Forest motorway case

A complaint filed last week is requesting an investigation into alleged corruption involving French company Vinci in the construction of a controversial motorway through Khimki Forest near Moscow. The complaint was filed to Nanterre's chief investigating judge by civil society groups Sherpa and CEE Bankwatch Network, activists Evgenia Tchirikova and Mikhail Matveev, and with the support of Princip, defenders of the Khimki forest.

2 ONG déposent plainte contre Vinci Russie pour corruption d'agent public étranger

Source: Béatrice Héraud, novethic

Après une première plainte déposée il y a trois ans contre Vinci concessions Russie SA, Sherpa récidive.

L’association s’est alliée à CEE Bankwatch Network pour porter plainte avec constitution de partie civile auprès du doyen des juges d'instruction de Nanterre. Une action soutenue par Princip, une association de défense de la fôret de Khimki. Elles accusent l’entreprise de corruption d'agent public étranger dans le cadre de l'attribution du marché de construction du tronçon de l'autoroute MK 15-58.

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