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investment package

UPDATE 7: Juncker on the investment offensive ... against Europeans, the economy and the environment

Labelled the €1.3 trillion investment offensive, more than 2000 projects have been identified by the European Commission’s new Task Force on Investment (made up of representatives of the EC, EIB and member states) for fast-tracked financing from President Juncker’s recently announced €315 billion stimulus plan.

Juncker's investment offensive risks turning against Europeans

Brussels – Environmental NGOs call on President Juncker, the European Commission and the European Investment Bank to consider for financing from the 315 billion growth package only projects which are sustainable and in line with EU goals and only after proper public consultation with potentially affected communities.

Juncker’s investment package to be hijacked by countries’ destructive plans

Brussels – A list of projects member states want to see financed from the Juncker investment package has been made public in expectation of tomorrow’s summit where finance ministers will discuss the package. Coal, nuclear and incinerators are among the various countries’ priorities, which fail to add up to the long-term strategic plan to stimulate growth and sustainability in Europe that Juncker promised.

EU Project Bonds are a worrying indication for the future EU long term investment plans


As the pilot phase of the EU Project Bonds Initiative is coming to an end, a roundtable discussion in the European Parliament takes stock of the initiative.

EIB role in Juncker investment package draws more questions than answers for now

Here we go again. Having been called upon to ramp up its investments in 2009 and 2010 as part of Europe's initial financial crisis fire-fighting, and then in 2012 been a central cog in the EU's ambitious but ultimately lacklustre 'Growth Compact', the European Investment Bank now finds itself at the heart of new European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker's three-year drive to boost investment in Europe, as unveiled on November 26.

Juncker investment package shifts risk from private investors to EU taxpayers

Brussels – Today European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker will present his widely anticipated 300 billion euro investment package aimed at stimulating growth in the European economy. Central to the InvestEU programme is a 21 billion euro allocation for the newly-created Euopean Fund for Strategic Investment (EFSI) that has to leverage 315 billion euro from private investors, or 15 times the amount of the fund.

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