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Hnuti Duha

Guest post: Renewables kept in thrall in the Czech Republic


How to overcome the stagnation in the Czech renewable energy sector? Ending the government’s crusade against renewable support schemes would be a good starting point, writes Karel Polanecky from Bankwatch’s member group Hnuti Duha, Friends of the Earth Czech Republic.

Guest post: Realities in the Czech renewable sector defy the ideas of the Paris Agreement


If fossil fuels' grip on the Czech Republic's energy sector remains, as current plans and policies confirm, the country's support for the Paris Agreement will be nothing but a sham, writes Karel Polanecky from Bankwatch's Czech member group Hnuti Duha.

Public action: Mourning the demise of Czech responsibility for climate action


Video and pictures from a public action agains lifting the coal mining limits in the Czech Republic that so far have saved towns from being resettled.

"Move over Poland!" Czech parliament bids for EU 'dirty energy' crown, as renewables subsidies make way for fossil fuels


A new law that will redraw the Czech Republic’s approach to renewable energy is suspected to bring the development of the Czech renewables sector to a standstill and instead provide a boost for the country's fossil fuel sector.

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