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export credit agencies

Lack of transparency hindering Czech export agency


Although not an institution that typically receives much fanfare, the export credit agency (ECA) in the Czech Republic has a poor track record worthy of more scrutiny.

[Campaign update] Montenegro's Pljevlja coal plant is running out of time to secure financing


The Czech daily Hospodarske Noviny (English: "Economic Newspaper") is reporting today that the Czech Export Bank (CEB) and export insurance agency EGAP may not be be able to finance the Pljevlja II lignite power plant in Montenegro due to new OECD rules entering force on 1 January 2017.

Export finance in Slovakia - for coal, against sustainable development

Slovakia’s official stance in the upcoming climate negotiations in Paris Climate Summit is no progressive one. An argument often heard is that a small country like Slovakia plays only a little role. The handful of coal plants in Slovakia cannot “compete” with the CO2 emissions of economic giants like the United States or China. And we do not significantly contribute to migration caused by climate impacts. But that is not true.

Ending fossil fuel support: NGO recommendations for OECD countries on their Export Credit Agencies

According to data compiled by the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), between 2007 and 2013 public financial institutions provided at least $55,7 billion in funding for coal projects abroad. The largest proportion of this comes from national Export Credit Agencies (ECAs) from OECD countries, which have provided at least $32 billion over this period or 58% of total support.

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