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Euro-Caspian Mega Pipeline

Guest post: Walking the line


Plans for the Southern Gas Corridor / Euro-Caspian Mega Pipeline will solidify the west's dependence on fossil fuels and authoritarian regimes. A new web documentary shows why we should stop and think.

Do not fund Southern Gas Corridor with EU money


The flashbulbs at Azerbaijan’s official photo opportunities should not blind Europe’s leaders to the country’s accelerated descent into authoritarianism, writes Xavier Sol.

Pipe Dreams: Why the Southern Gas Corridor will not reduce EU dependency on Russia

Brussels – The Southern Gas Corridor, the EU’s new pet energy project, is not only unnecessary in light of gas demand projections, but also seems likely to fall short on the much flaunted goal of bringing energy independence from Russia, according to a new NGO study “Pipe Dreams” published today.

Azerbaijan political prisoners list published with report's authors on it

London -- Human rights activists in Azerbaijan published yesterday a list of 98 people who are currently political prisoners in the country run by the authoritarian regime of Ilham Aliyev. Ironically, the list includes the names of two of its authors, prominent rights activists Rasul Jafarov and Leyla Yunus, who were arrested under false charges earlier this month while they were working on the report.

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