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Green agriculture spending culled in Estonia - NGOs demand proper use of future EU money


While the EU's future common agricultural policy is taking shape in Brussels, it’s not just there that major agri-business interests are flexing their muscles to take the ‘green-ness’ out of EU agricultural spending.

Regional funding negotiations - Green groups warn against last minute reintroduction of fossil fuel subsidies

With the final negotiations aimed at sealing agreement on the EU budget for 2014-20 now underway, environment NGOs are warning that a last minute amendment aimed at permitting EU subsidies for fossil fuels that are devastating for the climate must be rejected by negotiators of the future EU Cohesion Policy’s regional development funds.

Video: Notes for a better Europe

European spending is often considered unnecessary, beaurocratic, and even damaging. We're the last ones to deny that in Bankwatch.

Yet, we are convinced that EU spending - if it is done right - can truly serve the public interest by creating jobs, reducing energy bills, minimizing air pollution, etc.

Our new video highlights how some European projects are showing the way to a greener Europe and a better world.

Cohesion Policy reform: Supporting and improving thematic concentration

The Coalition for Sustainable EU Funds supports the principle of thematic concentration in the European Commission's Cohesion Policy legislative package from October 2011. However, changes brought forward by some Member States risk hampering a critical mass of investments in areas that help deliver on EU agreed targets by 2020, especially the Europe 2020 Strategy targets.

Letter to rapporteurs for the Common Provisions Regulation of the future Cohesion Policy

The letter, sent by the Coalition for a sustainable EU Budget, includes discussion points that are crucial for the future Cohesion Policy regulations. Now, during the ongoing debates in the European Parliament, it is the role of MEPs to ensure that the EU becomes a resource efficient low-carbon economy, shifting Europe’s regions on a sustainable path.

Future Cohesion Policy: Amendments for a sustainable EU Budget

The Coalition for a sustainable EU Budget advocates that a number of amendments to the Commission legislative proposal concerning the next Cohesion Policy funds should be supported by the European Parliament and Council if the next EU regional funds are to play any significant role in the transition towards a low-carbon, sustainable European economy.

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